

Jeremy Koepke


This project is intended as an open source showcase of the C language in action. The source code in this project is well commented with more elaborate explanations being detailed within this wiki. I intend for this project to serve as a guide for prospective students in the STEM fields as well as hobbyists or those simply curious about the C language. I enjoy helping others and I hope you will pass along any insights you gain through this work.

This page is also a demonstration of my personal abilities with the C language. If you are a prospective employer please browse this code and its documentation as part of my portfolio. Please take note of the project's open source licensing for non-commercial use. I do not intend for this code to be deployed as part of any commercial grade application. It's a proof of concept and a training tool for students of the C language. It's not been tested or held to any particular corporate standard.

The course that inspired this work utilized a programming environment called Bloodshed's Dev.
The course also recommended running this software natively on the Windows operating system.

Where to begin?

The best place to start understanding this project would be on the [Problem] page. There you will find a description of the task we are attempting to accomplish with this program.

Disclaimer & Statement of Academic Responsibility

This work is the result of my attempts to personally solve a singular problem posed openly for credit to the Computer Science and Computer Engineering 130 class instructed by Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy in the spring semester of 2015 at the University of Louisville. For the purposes of explaining what this project is and how it should operate I have attempted to paraphrase the problem in a general sense. The exact solution that I submitted to Dr. Yampolskiy is not contained on any of these pages in an effort to prevent future students of his class from simply submitting this project as their own work. Rather, a more robust solution containing more advanced code will be submitted here both to provide perspective to students of the C language and a proof of concept of my personal coding abilities to interested parties.

It is not and has never been my intention to provide any student of Dr. Yampolskiy's or any other student with the raw materials to cheat or plagiarize in any way. I respect the work he has done and his efforts as an educator. If you seek to sabotage those efforts in any way please reconsider your academic responsibilities and leave my works out of it entirely. Furthermore, I am relatively confident that Dr. Yampolskiy is more than equipped to catch any perpetrators of plagiarism and I wish him the best of luck in doing so.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied in these pages, and to the best of my knowledge and belief the code and documentation herein fairly describe the tools and source material which are discussed in these pages. However, I am conscious that there may be unintentional errors or omissions, and I am anxious that any which are discovered should be reported to me, and I will correct them as soon as possible.

Neither the University of Louisville nor myself assumes any liability for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein, and are not responsible for the content of external internet sites. The information in these pages is provided on the basis that the reader will not rely on it as the sole basis for any action or decision. Readers are advised to contact the stated primary source or the product’s originating institution before acting on any of the information provided.

The University of Louisville and myself both strongly condemn plagiarism in all of its forms. If you are a student taking any course from any academic institution I implore you to not plagiarize this work in any way.


Wiki: Problem