

Ian Low

Project Overview:
CDOC is a small Linux shell utility for creating and documenting basic C++ projects in a Linux shell environment.
It is able to create a starter C++ project template, including the main and utility cpp files as well as the Makefile and a template starter README file. Using the markup conventions in these files, CDOC is able to generate HTM documentation for the project and C++ classes. CDOC is also compatible for C projects.

1. Ensure that g++ is installed in your Linux environment.

Installation Guide:
1. Download the installation gzipped tarball file ending with the suffix '.tar.gz'.
2. create the following folders within your Linux shell environment:
$HOME/dev/src (i.e. ~/dev/src)
$HOME/dev/bin (i.e. ~/dev/bin)
$HOME/dev/common (i.e. ~/dev/common)
3. Ensure that your $PATH environment variable points to $HOME/dev/bin. This normally involves editing your ~/.profile file to include the string ':~/dev/bin' in your export $PATH command, e.g. 'export PATH=./:$PATH:~/somedir:~/dev/bin:/usr/bin', where the semi-colon is the path separator.
4. Create the following folder: $HOME/dev/src/cdoc.
5. Copy the installation gzipped tarball file into the 'cdoc' folder.
6. In a shell terminal, cd to the cdoc folder.
7. Enter the command 'gzip -d <filename-of-gzipped-tarball>'.
8. Enter the command 'tar -xvf <filename-of-tarball>'.
9. The previous 2 steps should have extracted the contents of the installation gzipped tarball into the cdoc folder.
10. Move the contents of the common folder under cdoc to ~/dev/common.
11. Enter the command 'make' in the 'cdoc' folder.
12. Upon successful compilation enter the command 'cdoc'.
13. To create a new test project cd to ~/dev/src.
14. Create a new project folder by entering 'mkdir <project-name>'.
15. Enter the new folder by entering 'cd <project-name>'.
16. Enter 'cdoc'.
17. Enter 'h' for a list of commands.
18. Enter 'cp' to create a new project.
19. Enter 'q' to quit out of cdoc.
20. Enter 'make' at the command line.
21. After successful compilation, enter the project-name to run the newly compiled program.
22. To document the newly compiled program, enter 'cdoc'.
23. Enter 'dp' to document the project.
24. Enter 'y' to overwrite any existing .htm files.
25. Enter 'q' to quit out of cdoc.
26. The .htm files should now be present in the cdoc folder with index.htm as the main htm page.</project-name></project-name></filename-of-tarball></filename-of-gzipped-tarball>

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Project Members: