
CDMEDIC PACS WEB / News: Recent posts

New dcm4chee Live CD

New unofficial Ubuntu 11.10 Live Cd to try and/or install the dcm4chee 2.17.0 with arr, cdw, xds, dcm4chee-web3 and weasis all running out of the box. You can dowload it from

Posted by Pablo Sau 2011-11-06

New dcm4chee deb packages

Now it's very easy to deploy a powerful PACS like dcm4chee with its new web interface and with the fantastic Weasis DICOM viewer.
The followinf unofficial debian packages for x86_64 architecture
dcm4chee-mysql, dcm4chee-arr, dcm4chee-cdw,dcm4chee-xds, dcm4chee-web and weasis can be now downloaded from

Posted by Pablo Sau 2011-10-12

New Live CD with dcm4chee

A new Live CD based on Ubuntu 8.04 Server LTS
with dcm4chee 2.15.3, Xero alpha 4, OviyamFX 0.7RC-1, Aeskulap 0.2.2.-10 beta1(Linux DICOM Viewer), Open JDK 6, Mysql 5 and CDMEDIC web
interface running out of the box in less than
5 minutes.
It runs in any AMD & Intel 64 (Also MacIntels >= core 2 duo)
user & password: live
It not only lets try it but also to install it
with the ubuntu installer.

Posted by Pablo Sau 2008-06-14

CDMEDICPACSWEB Work in progress

New unified version of CDMEDIC PACS WEB will be available as
CVS in the early 2008 with the following features:Separation of
CDMEDIC code from dependencies to make it platform independent.
Two version: based on CTN and based on dcm4chee sharing
most of code
Search by Patient Name, Patient ID, AE Title, Institution,Modality,
Study Description,Reference Physician, Time range and Time
Presets or any combination of them.
Secure access as administrator or Reference Physician with
different privileges.
Administrator has access to Reference Physician list, to all
studies and and to all DICOM nodes and can move DICOM
from the PACS studies to any node.
Reference Physician access, with restricted access only to his
own Patients and to send that DICOM studies only to the
computer he is accessing from.
New and quicker web interface and display of images.
Videos in mp4 format, thumb preview central image form series
or multiframe DICOMfiles.
Easy configuration and translation to other languages.
DICOM send uncompressed on LAN and JPEGLOSSLESS on
Web page preparation in advance when computer is idle, useful
to prepare XA, or Cardiac MRI, but not necessary to the vast
majority of studies.
Synchronized PACS of the CTN version.... read more

Posted by Pablo Sau 2007-12-26

New CDMEDICEE 1.30 Ubuntu for 7.04

I've just uploaded to SF the Ubuntu 7.04 deb packages for dcm4chee 2.11.0 and for
cdmedicee 1.3.0, with the only aim of easy its Linux installation proccess.
You can download them from:
For the installation the minimum is a Ubuntu Server 7.04 without GUI,
you must type as root in a terminal in the directory you downloaded the
deb packages:
dpkg -i dcm4chee-2.11.0.deb cdmedicee-1.3.0.deb ; apt-get -f install
That's all for get both packages running!
Best regards
Pablo Sau

Posted by Pablo Sau 2007-09-11

dcm4chee 2.11.0 Ubuntu 7.04 deb package

I've just uploaded to SF the Ubuntu 7.04 deb packages for dcm4chee 2.11.0 and for
cdmedicee 1.3.0, with the only aim of easy its Linux installation proccess.
You can download them from:
Best regards
pablo Sau

Posted by Pablo Sau 2007-09-11

New CDMEDICEE Mac OS Universal package

Is a web interface to the dcm4chee PACS to access to DICOM studies images,
in an easy and quick manner, derived from CDMEDICPACSWEB based on dcm4chee
instead of ctn.
Mac PPC or Intel, with mysql v5 and dcm4chee installed and running.
1.-Access to your dcm4chee PACS from anywhere"
2.-Distribute PACS images trough Internet to your Reference Physicians
3.-Dcm4chee autostart item
4.-Prepare in advance the web pages when computer is idle
Best regrads
Pablo Sau

Posted by Pablo Sau 2007-08-11

New Ubuntu 7.04 i386 cdmedicpacsweb package

New Linux version of cdmedicpacsweb intended for
Ubuntu 7.04, you must uncomment the /etc/apt/sources.list to get access to BackPorts
and download the following Ubuntu 7.04 packages:
Then in terminal type
sudo apt-get update
dpkg -i ctn_2.0.6-11_i386.deb \ cdmedicpacsweb-1.2.0.deb dicomviewer-1.0.0.deb
apt-get -f install

That's all, I hope you'll enjoy it!

Posted by Pablo Sau 2007-07-24

New Ubuntu 7.04 i386 ctn package

The current ctn deb packages do not work with mysql
version >= 4.1, so I made a binary package for the
Ubuntu 7.04 that corrects the problem, and it works
properly with mysql 5.

Posted by Pablo Sau 2007-07-21

Upgrade of cdmedicpacsweb_1.2.0_darwin

Welcome to CDMEDIC upgrade, you need to have cdmedicpacsweb_1.2.0_darwin installed with or without cdmedicpacsweb_1.2.0_darwin_Patch_1
1: mpeg4 support instead of animated gif (saves bandwithd)
2: slice number limit to choose between jpg and mpg4 (saves bandwithd)
3: posibility of deletion of choosen studies/series
4: autodeletion by database insertion or study date (temporal PACS)
5: series displayed in film fashion or independent jpg images (quicker)
6: web page preparation when Mac is idle (quicker)
I hope you'll enjoy it!
Best regards
Pablo Sau

Posted by Pablo Sau 2007-04-24

New MacIntel CDMEDICPACSWEB v1.2.0

What's New?
Mysql DB update to version 5,the package the mysql 5 server is
included and the new library dependecies are also included so the
package has grown now to 20.9 MB.
The installation script make a fresh installation or ugrade easy,
in the last case, the DICOM data already stored on CDEMDIC is
automaticly incorporated to the new DB.
Now you can take the advantage of using Mysql GUI Tools or phpadmin
for the DB management.
You can download CDMEDICPACSWEB from:
To install CDMEDICPACSWEB run in a terminal:
tar xvfz cdmedicpacsweb_1.2.0_darwin.tgz && \
That's all!... read more

Posted by Pablo Sau 2006-10-26

New CDMEDICPACSWEB version for MacIntel

What's new?

The needed perl modules are included to simplify installation.
The default AE Title of the PACS is CDMEDIC, to avoid problems with
strange hostnames than could be incompatible as mysql DB names.
The PACS default port is 11112.
Once installed if you run in a terminal the command 'autoctn',
when you try to verify the PACS from any application, it tries
to add its AE title, host and port(Only a few frecuently used
port are probed, it would be nice to have a larger list of
ports most used!).
The Nagoya DICOM viewer included is now the version 100 instead 0.54.

Posted by Pablo Sau 2006-10-19

CDMEDICPACSWEB version for MacIntel

New CDMEDICPACSWEB 1.0.8 for Darwin i386


Mac OS X 10.4.7 on Intel i386
Install FINK:

Download cdmedicpacsweb_1.0.8_darwin.tgz (3.9MB) from:

Open a Mac OS->Applications->Utilities->Terminal
tar xvfz cdmedicpacsweb_1.0.8_darwin.tgz

Run the script

Enable in System preferences->Sharing->Personal Web Sharing
To configure CDMEDIC open in web browser http://localhost/cgi-bin/ctn
To see the stored studies open http://localhost/cgi-bin/dicom
To adjust series visualization open http://localhost/cgi-bin/print

Follow the instructions and with a little of patience the PACS
is up and running, with autostart when system comes up.

Limited size of series in than the Nagoya Java Applet DICOM Viewer
can show.
Also the visualization of large series is limited in jpeg mode.

To erase the cdmedicpacsweb (I hope you haven't to):
sudo apt-get remove cdmedicpacsweb
To erase FINK:
sudo rm -rf /sw

Best regards
Pablo Sau

Posted by Pablo Sau 2006-10-09

New ReLIve CD!

New ReLive CD! running in a Linux Live Scripts Debian GNU sid based live CD in less than 5 minutes without hard disk installation, with the possibility of installing new programs and of remastering from the Live a new Live CD with all the changes and configuration done.
An easy way to test the cdmedicpacsweb and other
interesting programs, with the possibility of create your custom Live CD.
Best regards
Pablo Sau... read more

Posted by Pablo Sau 2006-06-04

New Fusion Live CD

The aim of this new Live CD is to make a free tool of distribution of complex medical data as PET-CT, with the possibility of create, review, manipulate and distribute medical images and reports, being accessible the result form any operating system. New fusion-2.iso with the following features:

* Live CD created with Linux Live Scripts , based on Debian  Sid and uses  UnionFS  .
* From the running Live CD, without hard disk installation, it's possible to install and run new programs, using the nice ENLIGHTENMENT DR17  window manager.
* It has a OFFIS DCMTK  DICOM listener, Series of MRI, PET, CT  can received and  a DICOMDIR is created along new  re-sampled data to make it more manageable. 
* Series received can be fused using AMIDE  (User's Manual included) and  you can create  jpg and mpg movies of  Flight  through on any slice orientation, rendering fused volumes and save the processed data. 
* Also them can viewed, windowed , panned and zoomed  with AESKULAP  DICOM Viewer.
*  From the running  Live CD you can re-master (Mini Howto  included) and toast a new Live CD with the  added data.
* If you get a copy of the report in doc format it is converted to html along the DICOM images converted to jpg in a film fashion and stored in the cdmedic CD directory, to be accessed from any Internet Browser.
* When the Live CD is run from Windows the fusion can be manipulated with the windows runtime of AMIDE and  the DICOM data could be viewed with a  Windows DICOM Viewer program  copied to the CD root directory, see DICOM introduction and free software or Free DICOM and Medical Imaging Wiewer / Converter Software to see free options.
* If you insert the CD in a Medical Work Station, the DICOM data is accessed trough the DICOMDIR.... [read more](/p/cdmedicpacsweb/news/2006/04/new-fusion-live-cd/)
Posted by Pablo Sau 2006-04-03

DICOM router and pre-fetching

New package of a simple DICOM router, dicomrouter version 1.0.0, so when receives a study stores it in the PACS and sends a copy to the selected workstation along with old studies from the same patient already stored on the PACS, provides they have the same Patient ID.
The configuration is done trough an updated cgi-bin/ctn,
and multiple routers are possible.
Versions for i386 and amd64.

Posted by Pablo Sau 2005-10-30

Work in progress

1) Porting to PowerPC (ppc and ppc64) of cdmedicpacsweb.
2) Distributed PACS.
4) Improving the Nagoya dicomviewer applet.
5) New CD live using unionfs, to use the CD as were a
writable system.
6) Redesign of the cdmedic web.

1,2 and 3 already tested on Mac mini hardware and working very well, 4 and ppc64 needs more testing.
5 and 6 just started.

Posted by Pablo Sau 2005-08-27

Faulty script in cdmedic-6.2 live CD

The cdmedic-conf script doesn't work properly and a working version is at
Sorry for the inconvenience but I don't want to waste storage space on SF and remastering the live CD for
only a few bits of diference.
In the next release it will be solved ;)

Posted by Pablo Sau 2005-08-27

New version 6.2 of cdmedic live CD

Updated cdmedicpacsweb to 1.0.7 version.
Added icons for ctn graphic apps.
Two bugs corrected:
Default boot option (ENTER)
Added missed lesstif lib

Posted by Pablo Sau 2005-08-08

New amd64 cdmedicpacsweb 1.0.7 release!

The cdmedicpacsweb version 1.0.7 is also available for amd64, add to your sources.list the following line
deb ./
There are an striped down amd64 ctn and afni packeges.
You must at least use the the provided ctn version as officlal one doesn't work for amd64 arch.
As this kind of installation has no counter by SF, please
send me an email I you succeeded or find any problem.
Pablo Sau... read more

Posted by Pablo Sau 2005-07-12

Tips for safe upgrade of cdmedicpacsweb

To upgrade fron 1.0.6 to 1.0.7, in order to preserve databases, you must make a mysql backup before remove the 1.0.6 version.

cp -a /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql.bak
/etc/init.d/ctn stop
apt-get remove cdmedicpacsweb dicomviewer
If not present in sources.list
echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install cdmedicpacsweb dicomviewer
If errors were encountered while processing:
rm /var/www/ctn/ctn
apt-get install dicomviewer
/etc/init.d/ctn stop
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
mv /var/lib/mysql.bak /var/lib/mysql
/etc/init.d/mysql start
/etc/init.d/ctn start... read more

Posted by Pablo Sau 2005-07-10

Tip for cdmedicpascweb install in Linux Flavors other than D

You need host PC running Linux (even Debian) in a i686 arch
or x86_64 with enabled IA32 emulation with at least 320MB
of free space(If you plan to have a PACS you need plenty of free space)
cd /your/destination/directory/path
tar xvfj sarge.tbz2
cp /etc/hosts sarge/etc
chroot sarge
configure apt
echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install cdmedicpacsweb
apt-get install dicomviewer #optional
Before the input the mysql password(ctn) in the ctn install
chroot sarge from other terminal and do
mysqladmin -u root password ctn
edit /etc/default/apache2 and change NO_START to be 0
/etc/init.d/apache2 start
Now you have the PACS up and running!... read more

Posted by Pablo Sau 2005-07-09

New cdmedicpacsweb 1.0.7 Released

The new version 1.0.7 of for i386 cdmedicpacsweb has been released, with new improvements:
Help on line
Solved web image display problems when the Accession Number is present.
Solved web image display problems with faulty DICOM
files with blank spaces inside Patient ID.
Increased the list of personally tested modalities, see

Add to your /etc/apt/sources.list the following line
deb http://cdmedicpacsweb/debian ./
then apt-get update ; apt-get install cdmedicpacsweb... read more

Posted by Pablo Sau 2005-07-09

New CDMEDIC Live CD release!

New version 6 of CDMEDIC Live CD, based on Knoppix 3.7 and Debian GNU-LINUX, with kernels 2.4 and 2.6, ATI and Nvidia 3d hardware acceleration support, updated AFNI, FSL, Xmedcon, AMIDE,CTsim, KDE, Firefox and Evolution, autoimporter from DICOM to Analyze and AFNI, full multimedia capabilities, last stable Open Office with medical terminology spellchecker, and many things more.
I hope you'll enjoy it!

Posted by Pablo Sau 2005-05-01

New adm64 support

New releases of ctn (the official is not working for amd64), cdmeddicpacsweb, dicom2pgm for amd64.
Longer address storage space, not limited to 2TB and the better performance of mysql now possible, working with a cheap 64 bit processor, amd64.

Posted by Pablo Sau 2005-02-13