Pablo Sau - 2003-06-15

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1.-You can backup nightly the mysql DB with a cron script
and the recover quickly from a DB corruption, problem I've
never go trough.
2.-Many commercial PACS have short term(online) and long
term(CD,DVD,MO,Tape Juke-boxes) archives, as disk storage is
more capable and cheaper, I think is better to have one
online archive based in software RAID with IDE disks, with
journal ed file system and of course UPS support, then you
minimize the possibility of loosing data even you can have a
mirrored system with a reasonable cost.
When you reach 1 TB to manage a large set of CD or DVD can
be very complicated and operator dependent.
3.-The DICOM standard implement a Service Class that address
this point, to be sure that the PACS stored successfully all
the sent studies you must use from the modality the Storage
4.-That's a good idea, but it must be done without re
mastering the Knoppix mini CD because is a time consuming
procedure, I'll add this to my TODO.
Best Regards
Pablo Sau