
CD-Database / News: Recent posts


Yes folks,

Because the Schoolyear started again this programme is completely stopped :(

But we will be back!!! (in a few months, ... maybe longer...)

Posted by Wouter Boelen 2003-09-08

Current status of the project

At the moment, I (Wouter Boelen) am rewriting the C++ Linux/DOS-Interface completely make internationalization easy by making it possible to change text-strings at the beginning of the programme.

Our Visual Basic programmer, pmylemans, is currently working on the Win32 Interface (a nice one :) ).

GB115 has curently no task assigned but there's a lot of work left...

Posted by Wouter Boelen 2003-08-27

The packages

There are 4 kinds of packages available:
--> Dutch version for windows
--> English version for windows
--> Dutch version for linux
--> English version for linux

All of them have the source code and the pre-compiled code included. (seperated by 2 dirs)

Posted by Wouter Boelen 2003-08-16

Win32 console?

For the moment, we're still working on the Visual Basic-interface of CDDB. If you download the win32-package, you will get the C++ console interface.

Posted by Wouter Boelen 2003-08-16

Let's start!

The 14th of August 2003...
Another new SourceForge project. This time it's a database. The same day, the administrator already started with the C++ programming...

Posted by Wouter Boelen 2003-08-14