
#73 Upload Email Notification

ccHost (86)

Can we set up ccHost to spam admins' emails when new
fonts are added to the library so we can keep tabs on
possible copyright infringing uploads?

kidproto writes:

"We could set-up an activity email for uploads. For
now, I could add this to this list, but it might get
out of control...maybe for now that is good. Basically,
we need to code an admin notification system that hooks
into various hooks and we can get info back from ccHost
about this via email...this is actually quite easy to
do and could get out of control how much info we could


  • Jon Phillips

    Jon Phillips - 2007-05-16
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • assigned_to: nobody --> kidproto
  • Victor Stone

    Victor Stone - 2009-04-16

    drop this code

    CCEvents::AddHandler(CC_EVENT_UPLOAD_DONE, 'upload_mailer');

    function upload_mailer($upload_id)
    $user = CCDatabase::QueryItem('SELECT user_name FROM cc_tbl_uploads,cc_tbl_user WHERE upload_user=user_id and upload_id = ' .$upload_id);
    $url = ccl('files',$user,$upload_id);
    mail( ..... )

    into local_files/lib with PHP extension

  • Victor Stone

    Victor Stone - 2009-04-16
    • status: open --> closed

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