george - 2006-05-22

Hi All,

I experienced some problem to compile the CCrypt in HP-UX and Solaris.

1. When i upload the ccrypt.1.7.tar.gz using ftp in mode Binary or ASCII to the environment, when i unzip it, it occured errors, and i couldn't open the zip file.??

2. So i try to upload the file one by one to solaris, i can run configure, but then i run "make", it cannot find make and cannot install. The bash is using ksh in solaris, do i have to change any location to install the ccrypt??

3. I do try the pre-compiled ccrypt from, when i run it in HP-UX, it said Memory Fault, what happen to this?
and in Solaris, run ccrypt, it just said it is a bad command or something?

4. Any suggestions i can install the ccrypt in environment in HP-UX and Solaris successfully.???

Hope anyone can reply me asap. Thank you very much.
