
#6 Change icon selection algorithm to match CCTray

Not specified

Current behaviors:

CCMenu: Shows the most recent build status. Seems to prefer building statuses to non-building statuses; if no builds are active, shows red if there are any failing projects, otherwise green.

CCTray: Shows the "worst" status of all monitored projects. Statuses, from best to worst are as follows (disconnected is omitted because I don't recall where it fits in)
Successful and building
Broken and building

I find CCTray's behavior to be vastly preferable to that of CCMenu: if I am monitoring two projects, one of which is successful and building and one broken, I would *much* rather see a red icon in my menu. As it is now, I feel like I can't trust the single CCMenu icon, and I must often click the icon to see full statuses for all of my projects in order to tell what is *really* going on.

Similarly, if one project is broken, and another is broken and building, I'd still rather see the red icon: if I'm using CCTray, and orange icon tells me that someone else may have already fixed the build, while a red icon tells me that there's still work to do.


  • Erik Doernenburg

    • status: open --> pending
    • Group: --> Not specified

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