
Tree [3e0684] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 seqcari 2013-03-28 Mitch Kerry Mitch Kerry [1037f5] add chosen
 seqcari-node 2013-03-28 Gerhard Weis Gerhard Weis [3e0684] ignore files outside pdf folder
 .gitignore 2013-03-27 Gerhard Weis Gerhard Weis [a2732c] use buildout to deploy node.js 2013-03-27 Gerhard Weis Gerhard Weis [a2732c] use buildout to deploy node.js
 buildout.cfg 2013-03-27 Gerhard Weis Gerhard Weis [a2732c] use buildout to deploy node.js