Activity for cc0

  • ganboing_baijia committed [e8daf6]

    fix built problem

  • ganboing ganboing committed [b9cd5b]

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/rc' into rc

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [8402b2]

    fix bug in usage --help msg

  • ganboing ganboing committed [0863e8]

    ld0 now support -L and -l flag, read default li...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [bf3122]

    sync external headers

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [c0bb70]

    add depended libraries to

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [fdfd59]

    revised the a little bit with more up...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [a5291b]

    Add depended boost boost-serialization boost-de...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [2d5089]

    Avoid use ./libi0 . Just include the header fil...

  • ganboing ganboing committed [2f5a36]

    Merge branch 'rc' of i...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [85a293]

    revised script

  • ganboing ganboing committed [9f4b94]

    minor fix of cc0

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [4b28c0]

    as cc0 search library from CC0_INC, no softlink...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [82d2c7]

    do not use the libi0 softlinks now: http://baij...

  • ganboing ganboing committed [369f9e]

    minor fix of cc0 ld0

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [8fa986]

    cc0 and ld0 prints messages only when error hap...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [29976b]

    change .objdump format; more accurate b: with a...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [971b76]

    use formal i0 asm format

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [fa3f8f]

    exp instruction support in cc0/ld0

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [f6bef9]

    Updated test cases:

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [d157d0]

    Fix correct test cases issues:

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [8a56d9]

    updated the correct test cases correct .bin files

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [420066]

    sync libi0 versions

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [f3790d]

    update .bin files for correctness checking; syn...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [900e45]

    Add support to command line options:

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [f320fd]

    when cc0 compilation succeeds, it prints nothin...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [99c36b]

    fix encoding problem

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [312c2e]

    sync libi0

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [f1cadb]

    updated .bin for correct since libi0 changed

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [e47cc8]

    sync with libi0

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [4ff998]

    add .gitignore and sync libi0

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [462d5b]

    fix undefined behavior (sequence point) of Type...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [8c47db]

    correctness tests correct .bin files generated

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [77c0ab]


  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [2c2464]

    adj PR/SR boundary: PR += 16GB; cc0 uses macros...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [913fd6]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [55bcf2]

    updated libi0 to latest one

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [d4f72f]

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://office.ericzma.c...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [71af60]

    sync libi0

  • Xiang Gao Xiang Gao committed [c5ae82]

    Static link to all dependent libraries.

  • Xiang Gao Xiang Gao committed [6f9bfc]

    Fix Windows build.

  • Xiang Gao Xiang Gao committed [34a38f]

    Add feature for linking against static libc/msv...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [296420]

    Delete no use .sh scripts.

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [cdb16f]

    fix line-ending of 2 .c test cases; update the ...

  • Xiang Gao Xiang Gao committed [45a1ab]

    Fix portability issues and the symlink of libi0.

  • Xiang Gao Xiang Gao committed [45b5df]

    Small fixes of repository setup.

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [bbaec8]

    support -c which generates .il and .var (variab...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [ea603c]

    IL with scope ID; .var with scope ID

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [88c8e4]

    recommend using .c0 instead of .c as as c0 sour...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [854ac0]

    adj figure a title

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [3c9084]

    revised c0 doc

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [362ed3]

    external headers for cc0: get AMR starting addr...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [f02877]

    cc0 allocate memory for global data structures ...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [98f199]

    bugfix: comparison expression operands type rel...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [08dbea]

    add a guard to prints warning info when the typ...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [36221a]

    drop disa support in the command line options

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [67209c]

    add difference between commit/abort and commitd...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [538410]

    delete the c0.pdf---generate when we need it; a...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [a9954c]

    mark c0.docx obsoleted; use c0.tex instead

  • Weiwei Jia Weiwei Jia committed [817e90]

    c0 tex version is okay

  • Weiwei Jia Weiwei Jia committed [226d9f]

    c0 Latex version seems okay

  • Weiwei Jia Weiwei Jia committed [bed7cd]

    c0 tex file is okay without refinement

  • Weiwei Jia Weiwei Jia committed [f90bc1]

    c0 tex is nearly okay

  • Weiwei Jia Weiwei Jia committed [81e460]

    Section 4 is okay

  • Weiwei Jia Weiwei Jia committed [56812e]

    section 3 is okay

  • Weiwei Jia Weiwei Jia committed [0e6305]

    section 2 is finished

  • Weiwei Jia Weiwei Jia committed [771e20]

    update tex file

  • Harry Waschkeit Harry Waschkeit committed [3dddb0]

    add tex file for c0

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [236053]

    ^, | and & are supported in cc0---mark them in ...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [724d86]

    updated *.bin since cc0 and libi0 already changed

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [56232a]

    change libi0 softlink

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [8f6b60]

    move out libi0

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [3d72e5]

    updated readme

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [36ca3b]

    keep a softlink of libi0

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [6b5031]

    fix a typo in readme

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [98e2de]

    sync: grep support; possibly bugs exist

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [9d473a]

    int is buggy; mark it in the c0 doc; better usi...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [e420ee]

    in co doc: mark double is supported

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [78ac37]

    updated c0 doc

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [33250a]

    revised c0 document

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [c641c9]

    improved c0.docx by fixing typos, grammar error...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [d9a1d9]

    add more helper function for time-related means...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [3424f9]

    deleted no used local vars in get_time_diff_and...

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [758864]

    bugfix in time.h

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [f54709]

    updated c0.docx

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [c3d9de]

    delete c0.pdf which is generated from c0.docx; ...

  • chenwentao chenwentao committed [515c44]

    add auto compile script

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [643c61]

    add LIRS macros

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [51aada]

    add comments to sio.h to explain the sio APIs

  • Eric Zhiqiang Ma committed [83e8a8]

    SIO_INVALID macro defined to indicate the inval...

  • Weiwei Jia Weiwei Jia committed [edd6bc]

    Revise c0 doc

  • Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma modified a comment on ticket #2

    In the cc0 source code, there are places uses char *p like this: *p++ = *p | 0x1;...

  • Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma modified ticket #2

    cc0 that is built by g++ 4.8.2 can not passes the correctness tests

  • Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma posted a comment on ticket #2

    status: open --> closed

  • Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma posted a comment on ticket #2

    In the cc0 source code, there are places uses char *p like this: p++ = p | 0x1; The...

  • Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma modified ticket #1

    cc0 crashes when source file exceeds certain lines

  • Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma posted a comment on ticket #1

    status: pending --> closed

  • Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma posted a comment on ticket #1

    It turns out to be the problem of g++ which compiles the cc0. With a newer version...

  • Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma Zhiqiang (Eric) Ma created ticket #2

    cc0 that is built by g++ 4.8.2 can not passes the correctness tests

  • Zhiqiang Ma Zhiqiang Ma posted a comment on ticket #1

    status: open --> pending

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