
The Complete Blocklist Management System / News: Recent posts

First Release!

The first (non-functioning, pre-alpha) release of CBMS has been added to the download servers. This is not what I concider a functioning release but it does allow potential users who wish to do so, review early code and see where the project is going with this product.

Any comments gratefully received!

Posted by Lee 2004-12-23

Project Update

Hey there... sorry for the lack of updates lately, unfortunately I have a) moved house, b) been working 8 day weeks at $dayjob and c) not got round to setting up my home PC+network yet, so sadly my time to work on the project is mainly limited to quiet periods at $dayjob.

Rest assured that development is going well, and a few inside testers are helping test what is already half stable. There should be a prelimary source release in the next 2-3 weeks.

Posted by Lee 2004-12-13

Development Progress

Development continues at a reasonable pace (although somewhat restricted due to work), and the demonstration live system is improving every day. Some developers have also come forward to help with the project, although I apologise to them that I have yet to get back to any!! Keep following our progress, we're getting there.

Posted by Lee 2004-09-18

Product Interest Shown

After a mention on NANAE for the project several people have offered to join the development team and even more have expressed an interest in using the software when it is released. This is a great encouragement for me to carry on with the project, thanks everyone!

Posted by Lee 2004-09-11

Development Continues

Development is continuing at a fast pace for CBMS. The templates have been finalised and the authentication system for the backend administration controls is coming up for 50% complete. Keep your eyes peeled as regular updates will continue to come.

Posted by Lee 2004-09-11

Welcome to cmbs@SF!

Thanks for dropping by. You can keep tabs on the development copy of CBMS at, pre-alpha release will be filed with SF very shortly!

Posted by Lee 2004-09-08