
Tree [r2] /

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File Date Author Commit
 manual 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 tests 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ANNOUNCE 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 BUGS 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 Bmakefile 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 CONTRIBUTORS 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 COPYING 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 COPYING.FSF 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ChangeLog 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 FAQ 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 GNUmakefile 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 MAINTAINERS 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 Makefile 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 NEWS 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 Nmakefile 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 Nmakefile.tests 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 PROGRESS 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 README 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 README.Borland 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 README.CV 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 README.NONPORTABLE 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 README.Watcom 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 README.WinCE 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 TODO 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 WinCE-PORT 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 builddmc.bat 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 cleanup.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 config.h 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 context.h 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 create.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 dll.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 errno.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 global.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 implement.h 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 need_errno.h 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread.dsp 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread.dsw 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread.h 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_getaffinity_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_getdetachstate.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_getinheritsched.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_getname_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_getschedparam.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_getschedpolicy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_getscope.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_getstackaddr.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_getstacksize.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_setaffinity_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_setdetachstate.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_setinheritsched.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_setname_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_setschedparam.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_setschedpolicy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_setscope.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_setstackaddr.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_attr_setstacksize.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_barrier_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_barrier_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_barrier_wait.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_barrierattr_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_barrierattr_getpshared.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_barrierattr_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_barrierattr_setpshared.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_cancel.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_cond_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_cond_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_cond_signal.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_cond_wait.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_condattr_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_condattr_getpshared.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_condattr_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_condattr_setpshared.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_delay_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_detach.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_equal.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_exit.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_getconcurrency.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_getname_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_getschedparam.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_getspecific.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_getunique_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_getw32threadhandle_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_join.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_key_create.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_key_delete.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_kill.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutex_consistent.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutex_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutex_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutex_lock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutex_timedlock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutex_trylock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutex_unlock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutexattr_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutexattr_getpshared.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutexattr_getrobust.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutexattr_gettype.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutexattr_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutexattr_setpshared.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutexattr_setrobust.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_mutexattr_settype.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_num_processors_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_once.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlock_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlock_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlock_rdlock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlock_trywrlock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlock_unlock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlock_wrlock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlockattr_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlockattr_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_self.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_setaffinity.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_setcancelstate.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_setcanceltype.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_setconcurrency.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_setname_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_setschedparam.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_setspecific.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_spin_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_spin_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_spin_lock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_spin_trylock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_spin_unlock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_testcancel.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_timechange_handler_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_timedjoin_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_tryjoin_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 pthread_win32_attach_detach_np.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_MCS_lock.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_callUserDestroyRoutines.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_calloc.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_cond_check_need_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_getprocessors.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_is_attr.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_mutex_check_need_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_new.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_processInitialize.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_processTerminate.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_relmillisecs.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_reuse.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_rwlock_cancelwrwait.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_rwlock_check_need_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_semwait.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_spinlock_check_need_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_threadDestroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_threadStart.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_throw.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_timespec.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_tkAssocCreate.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 ptw32_tkAssocDestroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sched.h 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sched_get_priority_max.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sched_get_priority_min.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sched_getscheduler.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sched_setaffinity.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sched_setscheduler.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sched_yield.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_close.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_destroy.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_getvalue.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_init.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_open.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_post.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_post_multiple.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_timedwait.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_trywait.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_unlink.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 sem_wait.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 semaphore.h 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 signal.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 version.rc 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit
 w32_CancelableWait.c 2016-03-15 revelator [r1] Initial commit

Read Me

WinCE port
(See the file WinCE-PORT for a detailed explanation.)

Make sure you define "WINCE" amongst your compiler flags (eg. -DWINCE).
The config.h file will define all the necessary defines for you.