
Cayambe J2EE ECommerce / News: Recent posts

Nightly Tarballs

We now have a nightly tarball available in tar, gz, and zip formats. Check it out at:

Have fun!


Posted by James Ward 2002-05-23

Cayambe Status

I have been getting a few emails about the status of Cayambe. So here it is:
Cayambe development has been suspended for a while. The main developers of Cayambe work for First Link Technology ( and ). First Link wanted to have an open source E-Commerce system to sell to their clients. Then some higher priorities came up so Cayambe was shelved. At the point work stopped on Cayambe we were very, very close to an alpha release. I think we might be able to pick it back up soon, but I would love to see some other people contribute. Thus I will post new to-do's.
Thanks for all your support.
If we can have an Alpha release out by my birthday (May 29) I will have the best birthday ever!... read more

Posted by James Ward 2002-03-26

New Dev List

There is a new List for Cayambe!!!
go here: to sign up!

Posted by James Ward 2001-09-14

Double Digits!

We have reached 10 developers!!! I would like to welcome our newest additions to the team:
Francois Bourgault
Ramon Crespo
Karthik Kumar

The memebers that have been around for a while are:
Andy Zeneski
Brian Madigan
Solomon Mekonnen

And your project admins are:
Mike Davis
Jon Rose
Russell Steger

Thanks to everyone for being apart of Cayambe!

Let's get some action going on the Forums...

Posted by James Ward 2001-09-14


Cayambe is now in 1st gear!!! We have set a deadline for use cases (September 14) and an initial release deadline (September 21). Please help where you can.

Posted by James Ward 2001-09-13