

David Schmidt
       dmk2cw  -  Write  a  DMK  floppy  disk  image  file onto a disk using a
       Catweasel controller

       dmk2cw [options] filename.dmk

       The dmk2cw program uses the Catweasel universal floppy disk  controller
       to  write  a  floppy  disk  image to an actual disk.  The image file is
       expected to be in the DMK  format  first  used  by  some  TRS-80  Model
       I/III/4/4P emulators.  If you have a JV1 or JV3 image to write to disk,
       run jv2dmk on it first.

       The DMK image is exactly  reproduced  on  disk,  as  far  as  possible,
       including  the  positioning  and  spacing of sectors and the content of
       gaps.  Thus even so-called copy protected disks  can  be  written  cor-
       rectly  and should work on the hardware they were made for.  Currently,
       dmk2cw can write all formats that can be written by the Western Digital
       177x/179x  disk  controllers  used  in the original TRS-80 machine, all
       formats that can be written by the NEC 765-compatible floppy disk  con-
       trollers  used  in PCs, and the Digital Equipment Corporation RX02 for-
       mat.  Even formats that mix FM (single density)  and  MFM  (double/high
       density) on the same track can be written.

       The dmk2cw program usually guesses the drive type and disk format to be
       written by measuring the rotational speed of the drive (300 or 360 RPM)
       and checking the track length and other fields in the DMK file, but you
       can override this with command line arguments if needed.   The  program
       does  not  automatically double-step if you are writing a 40-track disk
       in an 80-track drive, however; see the -m flag for this.  Also, if  you
       are using a single sided drive, see the -s flag.

       Versions  of  dmk2cw exist for both Linux and MS-DOS.  On Linux, dmk2cw
       must be run as root.  If the program is made setuid to root,  it  drops
       its  root  privileges as soon as it has obtained access to the block of
       I/O ports it needs to directly access the Catweasel.   On  Windows  95,
       dmk2cw.exe  can  be  run  in  an  MS-DOS  Prompt box.  On plain MS-DOS,
       cw2dmk.exe needs the program cwsdpmi.exe  (included)  to  provide  DPMI
       functionality;  make  sure it is in the same directory as cw2dmk.exe or
       in another directory on your path.

       dmk2cw accesses the hardware directly, so it must not be  used  at  the
       same time as any other Catweasel software.  In particular, on Linux, do
       not load Michael Krause's "cwfloppy" driver at the same  time,  and  on
       MS-DOS, do not load the "catbase" driver that comes with the Catweasel.

       For more information about the Catweasel controller and other  software
       that works with it, see:

       For  information  about  the DMK file format and the emulators that use
       it, see:

       -d drive
              Specify the drive unit number, 0 or 1.  Default: 0.

       -v verbosity
              Specify how much output is printed.  Larger numbers select  more
              output.  The default setting is 1.

              0      No output.

              1      Print progress information.

              2      Also  dump  the  bytes being written, prefixing each with
                     the encoding used.  This option is primarily  for  debug-
                     ging  purposes.   The  prefixes  used are as follows: "-"
                     means the byte is skipped (it  was  padding  in  the  DMK
                     file), "F" encoded as FM data, "I" encoded as an FM index
                     address mark, "A" encoded as an FM data address  mark  or
                     ID  address mark, "M" encoded as MFM data, "J" encoded as
                     an MFM pre-index address mark, "B" as an MFM pre-data  or
                     pre-ID address mark, and "X" as RX02-modified MFM data.

              3      Like 2, but also dump the Catweasel samples generated for
                     each byte.  This option is primarily for  debugging  pur-

       -p port
              For  the  Catweasel MK1 (ISA), port should be the I/O port base,
              or 0 to default to  the  factory  setting  of  0x320.   For  the
              Catweasel  MK3  or  MK4  (PCI),  port  should be 0 for the first
              Catweasel card in the machine,  1  for  the  second,  etc.   The
              default is 0.

       -k kind
              Specify the type of drive and type of media in use.  This option
              is usually not needed, as dmk2cw will typically guess correctly.

              1      5.25-inch SD/DD disk in 1.2MB drive

              2      5.25-inch  SD/DD  disk  in 360KB/720KB drive, or 3.5-inch
                     SD/DD disk

              3      5.25-inch HD disk, or 8-inch SD/DD disk

              4      3.5-inch HD disk

       -m steps
              Step multiplier, 1 or 2.  A step multiplier of 2  is  used  when
              writing  a  40-track  (or  35-track)  disk in an 80-track drive.
              Default: 1.  If you set -m2, you  should  bulk-erase  the  media
              first  to eliminate residual magnetization from the odd numbered
              tracks that may cause problems  when  the  disk  is  read  in  a
              40-track drive.

       -s sides
              Maximum  number  of  sides,  1  or  2.  Use -s1 if your physical
              floppy drive has only one head (that is, if it can only write to
              side  0 of the disk).  If you forget to do this and the DMK file
              has space reserved for side 1 data (even if there are  no  valid
              sectors in that space), dmk2cw will overwrite the side 0 data on
              each track of the media with the side 1 data.

       The remaining options usually do not need  to  be  changed  from  their
       default values.

       -c clock
              Catweasel  sample  rate  multiplier.  1 selects 7.080 MHz (about
              140 ns), 2 selects 14.161 MHz (about 70 ns), and  (on  Catweasel
              MK3  and MK4 only) 4 selects 28.322 MHz (about 35 ns).  Default:

       -o plo[,phi]
              Specifies the number of nanoseconds to advance or retard transi-
              tions  for  write  precompensation.  The actual distance between
              transitions is always rounded to a  multiple  of  the  Catweasel
              clock period (-c option), so it is pointless to make adjustments
              much finer than that value.  If one value  is  given,  the  same
              precompensation  is  used  on  all  tracks.  If a pair of values
              plo,phi is given, plo is used on track 0 and phi on the  highest
              track,  with  tracks  between  interpolated  linearly.  Default:

              Exactly what does this option do?  The magnetic flux transitions
              on a floppy disk tend to move slightly farther apart if they are
              recorded very close together, thus lengthening the short  inter-
              vals and shortening the long ones, a phenomenon sometimes called
              bit-shifting.  When a disk  is  recorded,  the  disk  controller
              ordinarily  applies write precompensation to reduce this effect;
              that is, it makes the short intervals extra short and  the  long
              ones  correspondingly  longer,  especially on the inner, higher-
              numbered tracks.  In dw2dmk,  if  the  shortest  legal  interval
              appears  immediately to the left (or right) of a longer one, the
              flux transition between them is moved to the  left  (or  respec-
              tively, right).

              In  general,  disks  need  more  precompensation  on  the  inner
              (higher-numbered) tracks than on  the  outer  tracks,  and  this
              effect  is more pronounced for larger disks where the difference
              in length between the inner and outer tracks  is  greater.   The
              default  value  of 140ns for all tracks seems to work reasonably
              well on 3.5-inch and 5.25-inch disks, though it  is  surely  not
              optimal.   For 8-inch disks, a few experiments with the testhist
              program suggest that -o70,700 is a good value -- it makes tracks
              1  and  76  have much more similar histograms than if a constant
              value is used.  If you have trouble  reading  disks  written  by
              dmk2cw with a regular floppy disk controller, try using testhist
              to compare track histograms of natively-written media that  read
              successfully  in  your  controller with media written by dmk2cw.
              If there is a substantial difference, try different -o values to
              see  if  you can get dmk2cw to write disks that are more similar
              to the native disks.

       -h hd  For -h0 or -h1, set the HD line on the floppy bus to  the  indi-
              cated  value.   For  -h2, set the HD line on the floppy bus to 0
              for tracks 0 to 43, to 1 for tracks greater than 43.   For  -h3,
              set  the HD line on the floppy bus to 1 for tracks 0 to 43, to 0
              for tracks greater than 43.  For -h4 (the default), the line  is
              set  according to the disk kind (-k flag); to 0 for -k1 and -k2;
              to 1 for -k3 and -k4.

       -l len Causes dmk2cw to ignore any data beyond the first len  bytes  in
              the  DMK  image of each track.  This option is applied before -g
              or -i.  It has no effect if len is greater than the  track  data
              length recorded in the DMK image.

       -g igno
              Causes dmk2cw to ignore the first igno bytes in the DMK image of
              each track.  If igno is negative, an extra -igno bytes  of  pad-
              ding are inserted at the beginning of each track.

       -i ipos
              If  this  option  is  given,  dmk2cw forces the first IAM (index
              address mark) encountered on each track to be exactly ipos bytes
              from  the  physical  start  of  the  track, by ignoring bytes or
              adding padding at the start of the track as with  the  -g  flag.
              The  default is -1, which disables this feature, instead record-
              ing the gap exactly as in the image.  Note that if you set  ipos
              too small, there will not be enough bytes in the initial gap for
              the IAM to be recognized when the disk is read.

       -r reverse
              If reverse is 1, dmk2cw reverses the sides of the disk; that is,
              it  writes side 0 of the DMK file to physical side 1 of the disk
              and side 1 of the DMK (if any) to physical side 0 of  the  disk.
              The default is 0, which does not reverse the sides.  This option
              is most likely to be useful if you  want  to  write  a  separate
              1-sided DMK image to each side of a disk in a double-side drive.
              You can do this by running dmk2cw twice, first writing the  head
              0 image using -s1 -r0, then the head 1 image using -s1 -r1.

       -f fill
              If  the track data being written (after possibly being shortened
              by the above options) is not sufficient  to  fill  the  physical
              track,  dmk2cw writes the rest of the physical track with a fill
              pattern.  By default (with fill = 0), if the last data  byte  of
              the  track  was  encoded in FM or RX02, the fill pattern is 0xff
              encoded in FM; if the last data byte was  encoded  in  MFM,  the
              fill  pattern  is  0x4e  encoded  in MFM.  With fill = 1, dmk2cw
              erases the remainder of the track and writes nothing (not avail-
              able  on Catweasel MK1 or MK3).  With fill = 2, the fill pattern
              is a sequence of very long transitions, which  also  effectively
              erases  the  remainder of the track.  With fill = 3, there is no
              fill; the Catweasel stops writing at the end of  track,  leaving
              whatever  was previously on the disk intact.  With fill = 0x1nn,
              the fill pattern is 0xnn encoded in FM.  With fill = 0x2nn,  the
              fill pattern is 0xnn encoded in MFM.

       -y testmode
              Set various undocumented test modes for debugging.

       dmk2cw: Error reading from DMK file
              The DMK file was opened successfully, but a read from it failed.

       dmk2cw: File is not in DMK format
              The specified disk image file was opened  successfully,  but  it
              was  not  in  DMK format.  If you have disk images in JV1 or JV3
              format, use jv2dmk to convert them to DMK  format  before  using
              them with dmk2cw.

       dmk2cw: No access to I/O ports
              On  Linux, dmk2cw must be made setuid to root or be run as root,
              or it will not be able to access the Catweasel's I/O  ports  and
              this error message will appear.

       dmk2cw: Failed to detect Catweasel
              A Catweasel card was not detected at the specified I/O ports.

       dmk2cw: Drive 0 was not detected, but drive 1 was
       dmk2cw: Drive 1 was not detected, but drive 0 was
       dmk2cw: Failed to detect any drives
              The  specified  drive  (see  -d  option) was not detected, or no
              drives were detected.  Cabling and drive selection can  be  con-
              fusing,  so  try  the other drive number before giving up, espe-
              cially if you saw some drive activity before  this  message  was
              printed.   Note: In versions prior to 3.0, dmk2cw used the oppo-
              site drive numbering convention from the bundled Catweasel soft-
              ware  supplied  by Individual Computers.  This has now been cor-

       dmk2cw: Disk is write-protected
              This message usually means what it says.  A 3.5-inch disk should
              have  its  write-enable  slider closed.  A 5.25-inch disk should
              not have a write-protect tab covering its notch.  An 8-inch disk
              should  have  a write-enable tab covering the appropriate notch.
              It might also appear in some cases if the drive is not connected
              properly,  the  door is not closed, the disk is inserted upside-
              down, etc.

       dmk2cw: Failed to guess drive kind; use -k
              This message is  printed  if  drive/media  autodetection  fails.
              Either  the  drive  speed  could  not  be measured, or the track
              length was not one of the common values used in most DMK  files.
              You  can  specify the kind of drive and media in use with the -k

       dmk2cw: No disk in drive
              This message usually means what it says, that there is  no  disk
              in  the  drive.  It might also appear in some cases if the drive
              is not connected properly, the door is not closed, the  disk  is
              inserted upside-down, etc.

       dmk2cw: Write error
              Either  the  drive  reported  that  it  was  not  ready when the
              Catweasel tried to write to it, or no index hole  was  detected.
              This  message  usually means that there is no disk in the drive.
              It might also appear in some cases if the drive is not connected
              properly,  the  door is not closed, the disk is inserted upside-
              down, etc.

       dmk2cw: Drive is 1-sided but DMK file is 2-sided
              This message means that there is space reserved in the DMK  file
              for  two sides, and some apparently valid data was found on side
              1, but you gave the -s1 flag to say that your disk drive is only

       dmk2cw was written by Timothy Mann,  It uses low-
       level Catweasel access routines written by Michael Krause.   dmk2cw  is
       free  software,  released under the GNU General Public License.  Thanks
       to Jens Schoenfeld  for  providing  documentation  on  programming  the
       Catweasel hardware.  Thanks to David Keil for designing and documenting
       the DMK file format for floppy disk images.

       The DPMI host cwsdpmi.exe is free software, written and copyrighted  by
       Charles  W. Sandmann and released under the GNU General Public license.
       You can download the source code and/or binary updates for this program
       from   Look  for
       files with names of the form csdpmi*.zip.  Note:  the  highest  version
       that has been tested with dmk2cw at this writing is 5.


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