

David Moreno


You need to follow this steps:

  1. Open a terminal and run catch-http
  2. Go to your browser and load the pages that contains the data you want to extract (wait until the data is fully downloaded)
  3. Return to the terminal and finish the capture pressing CTRL+C

The only mandatory argument is the MIME type (mp3, avi, etc.) of the files you want to get. You can specify multiple types using commas without spaces:


If the type is mp3 the extracted files will be renamed using his id3v2 tags.

So, if you want to save the PNG's files from, you can issue this command:


sudo catch-http png


After that, browse to, wait until the images are downloaded and do a CTRL+C on the catch-http terminal. Now, you have a set of images on your current directory called file-0.png, file-1.png, etc.

If you want to send the files to your images directory, you can do:


sudo catch-http -d ~/images/ png


Or, if you want to save the PNG's and JPG's:


sudo catch-http -d ~/images/ png,jpg

Please note that the type definitions are separated using a comma without spaces


-i, --interface

catch-http tries to get the default network interface to capture the packets, but if you're using another interface to browse, you can specify it with this option.

-d, --directory

This option indicates the directory where the extracted files will be moved.

-s, --single

By default, catch-http digs on the HTTP headers to get the real MIME type of the files, but if you want to check the headers only once use this option.

-p, --preserve

catch-http creates a temporal file on /tmp/ to save the captured connections and deletes it when the job is done, if you don't want to delete the connections directory use this option.

-t, --tolerance

Sometimes, the first line of a HTTP header comes with extra bytes before it. If you're having problems getting the MIME types of the captured files, try to increment this value (the default is 23, so use higher values).

-m, --mime

Shows a list of the recognized MIME types used to filter your requests.

-q, --quiet

Don't displays the informative messages.


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