
Castor Web Builder / News: Recent posts

Castor 1.1.1 is out

- Castor now integrate a "media db" (replace old "image db") which can store every file type (good support of image and flash animation)
- Castor now integrate a great CMS. Specifications :
* Support Article, File, Image and Text document types
* It's easy to create new document type
* Rights are managed by "role" (eg. "Writer" and "Publisher")
* Integrated search engine (by keyword with AND and OR operators)
* Documents can be in two states : unpublished or published
* It's possible to change access rights to each document
* Old versions of a document are stored in a historic

Posted by STINNER Victor 2004-11-25

CVS is updated

We will know work on this CVS, using module "castor". Try :
cvs login
cvs -z3 co castor

Posted by STINNER Victor 2004-11-16

Castor 1.0.3 release

The version 1.0.3 will be the first public version. Last changes :
- wm_rs module support PDF export
- add imagedb, a picture manager : support resize and crop, and drag&drop in HTML editor
- nice installer which do everything to install a new & clean Castor (untar, check file rights and Image Magick, create data base, create .htpasswd and .htaccess, ...)
- new module (wm_error_document) which catch Apache errors 401 and 404

Posted by STINNER Victor 2004-11-16