
Cast Iron Life, a World at War / News: Recent posts

Development of CIL using XConq

After a long hiatus, Cast Iron Life will finally be developed using the XConq strategy engine ( ). As it stands, XConq doesn't allow all of the features called for in the initial design of CIL, but it should serve as an excellent base for development. I've been working with XConq for a couple years now, but, as with any project of this magnitude, any help in the graphics and coding areas are welcome, just send me a message or post on this forum or over at

Posted by Elijah Meeks 2005-05-31

Upcoming map editor updates

The next release of the map editor will include features such as hex brushes, smooth scrolling of the map and many small bug fixes. Keep watching for it within the next few weeks!

Posted by Robert Segal 2003-03-09

The Atlanta Sails Again

Our first 3D model, the ram Atlanta, is up on the site. You can download it and improve it, ahem, I mean play around with it.

Posted by Elijah Meeks 2003-01-23

Another Update!

What's a world without beaches and rivers? A pretty boring one, so download the latest map editor, which includes beaches and, well, rivers.

Posted by Elijah Meeks 2002-12-10

Latest updates!

Terrain packs are available for download. Just unzip them into the "Terrain" subdirectory of where the editor is installed replacing the old versions to try them out.

What's that you say, you haven't tried the editor yet? Well what are you waiting for!

Posted by Robert Segal 2002-12-09