
Carrot2 / News: Recent posts

Project moved to GitHub!

Carrot2 has moved to GitHub. SourceForge download and news tracker won't be updated in the future.

Posted by Dawid Weiss 2015-09-10

Carrot2 3.10.3 released!

Dear All,

We're pleased to announce Carrot2 release 3.10.3. This release:

  • repackages Google Guava to avoid conflicts with older
    Guava versions in Apache Solr (and possibly other

Release notes:


JIRA issues:

Dawid Weiss, Stanislaw Osinski
Carrot Search, read more

Posted by Dawid Weiss 2015-08-21

Carrot2 3.10.2 released!

Dear All,

We're pleased to announce Carrot2 release 3.10.2. This release:

  • fixes the display of cluster labels in Arabic in the

  • cleans up minor issues with logging in case of

Release notes:


JIRA issues:

Dawid Weiss, Stanislaw Osinski
Carrot Search,

Posted by Dawid Weiss 2015-07-31

Carrot2 3.10.1 released!

Dear All,

We're pleased to announce Carrot2 release 3.10.1. This release:

  • removes Aduna visualization from MacOsX releases due
    to lack of JVM support for the required technology
    (SWT->Swing bridge in SWT is not functional).

  • restores the default order of visualizations in
    the Workbench.

Release notes:


JIRA issues: read more

Posted by Dawid Weiss 2015-05-16

Carrot2 3.10.0 released

Dear All,

We're pleased to announce Carrot2 release 3.10.0. This release:

  • updates visualizations,
  • fixes Workbench-Ubuntu (and Gnome) crashes,
  • brings a number of dependency updates (Lucene, Jackson),
  • moves to Java 1.7 as the minimum execution environment,
  • corrects a few bugs here and there.

Release notes:


JIRA issues: read more

Posted by Dawid Weiss 2015-05-08

Carrot2 3.9.4 released

Dear All,

We're pleased to announce Carrot2 release 3.9.4. This release:

  • updates FoamTree visualization,
  • adds the possibility to pass HTTP authorization credentials for
    open search source and other sources descending from
    RemoteXmlSimpleSearchEngineBase or utilizing
  • adds clustering by majority language (and exposes languages of
    documents, if they are present),
  • tweaks a number of minor issues with visualizations in the
    Workbench.... read more
Posted by Dawid Weiss 2014-11-25

Carrot2 3.9.3 released!

Dear All,

We're pleased to announce Carrot2 release 3.9.3. This release
updates FoamTree visualization, SonaType repository URLs, adds
per-algorithm lexical resources in the DCS and fixes a few
other internal infrastructure issues.

Release notes:


JIRA issues:


Dawid Weiss, Stanislaw Osinski
Carrot Search,

Posted by Dawid Weiss 2014-07-21

Carrot2 3.9.1 released

Dear All,

We're pleased to announce Carrot2 release 3.9.1. This release fixes
a few issues with HTML5 visualizations and updates minor internal
components (attribute binder).

Release notes:


JIRA issues:


Dawid Weiss, Stanislaw Osinski
Carrot Search,

Posted by Dawid Weiss 2014-04-09

Carrot 3.6.3 released

We're pleased to announce Carrot2 release 3.6.3. This release introduces a few bug fixes and improvements.

Release notes:

Dawid Weiss, Stanislaw Osinski
Carrot Search,

Posted by Dawid Weiss 2013-04-02

Carrot2 3.6.2 released

We're pleased to announce Carrot2 release 3.6.2. This release introduces a few bug fixes and improvements.

Release notes:


Dawid Weiss, Stanislaw Osinski
Carrot Search,

Posted by Dawid Weiss 2012-11-21

Carrot2 version 3.5.3 released

Carrot2 team is pleased to announce the 3.5.3 release of Carrot2. The 3.5.3 release is a technical release made after the transition of Carrot2 code repository to github. It does not introduce any new features other than an upgrade of SWT which updates Workbench to SWT 3.7.1 and makes it usable on newer Ubuntu and possibly other Linux distributions.

Release notes: read more

Posted by Dawid Weiss 2011-12-06

Carrot2 version 3.5.0 released

Carrot2 team is pleased to announce the 3.5.0 release of Carrot2. The 3.5.0 release introduces a new physics-inspired tree map visualization called FoamTree, the bisecting k-means clustering algorithm and a number of smaller improvements and bug fixes.

Release notes:


JIRA issues:

Posted by Stanislaw Osinski 2010-09-07

Carrot2 version 3.4.0 released

We're pleased to announce the 3.4.0 release of Carrot2. The main focus of this release is the the native C# API for calling Carrot2 clustering from C# / .NET code, without the need to install Java SDK. Other changes include removing the dependency of Carrot2 core on Lucene API and discontinuing support for Java 1.5. Please see the release notes for more details.

Release notes: read more

Posted by Stanislaw Osinski 2010-08-24

Carrot2 version 3.2.0 released

Version 3.2.0 of Carrot2 Search Results Clustering Engine has been released. Carrot2 can automatically organize small collections of documents, e.g. search results, into thematic categories. It offers two specialized document clustering algorithms and several ready to use search search results acquisition components.

The 3.2.0 release introduces experimental support for clustering Korean and Arabic content, adds a command-line batch processing application, updates cluster visualization and removes LGPL-licensed dependencies.... read more

Posted by Stanislaw Osinski 2010-03-03

Carrot2 version 3.1.1 released

Version 3.1.1 of Carrot2 Search Results Clustering Engine has been released. Carrot2 can automatically organize small collections of documents, e.g. search results, into thematic categories. It offers two specialized document clustering algorithms and several ready to use search search results acquisition components.

The 3.1.1 release comes with a number of performance enhancements and minor bug
fixes.... read more

Posted by Stanislaw Osinski 2009-11-10

Carrot2 version 3.1.0 released

Version 3.1.0 of Carrot2 Search Results Clustering Engine has been released. Carrot2 can automatically organize small collections of documents, e.g. search results, into thematic categories. It offers two specialized document clustering algorithms and several ready to use search search results acquisition components.

The 3.1.0 release comes with:
* Experimental support for clustering Chinese Simplified content
* Document Clustering Workbench usability improvements
* Suffix Tree Clustering algorithm rewritten for better performance and clustering quality
* Apache Solr clustering plugin (to be available in Solr 1.4)... read more

Posted by Stanislaw Osinski 2009-09-28

Carrot2 version 3.0.1 released

Version 3.0.1 of Carrot2 Search Results Clustering Engine has been released. Carrot2 can automatically organize small collections of documents, e.g. search results, into thematic categories. It offers two specialized document clustering algorithms and several ready to use search search results acquisition components.

The 3.0.1 release comes with:
* Carrot2 Document Clustering Workbench for Mac OS
* Many bug fixes, improvements and documentation updates... read more

Posted by Stanislaw Osinski 2009-03-18

Carrot2 version 3.0 released

Version 3.0 of Carrot2 Search Results Clustering Engine has been released. Carrot2 can automatically organize small collections of documents, e.g. search results, into thematic categories. It offers two specialized document clustering algorithms and several ready to use search search results acquisition components.

The 3.0 release comes with:
* Significantly simplified Java API. Three statements are enough to get started!
* Improved clustering quality and tuning mechanisms.
* Brand new Document Clustering Workbench application based on the Rich Client Platform.
* Brand new Web Application with optimized front-end performance and an attractive visualization.
* Improved Document Clustering Server for easy integration with PHP, C#, Ruby and other non-Java software. ... read more

Posted by Stanislaw Osinski 2008-12-25