
CarLOS - The CarPC Front End / News: Recent posts

CarLOS Cadillac

After letting the project die off for quite some time I have decided once again to work on CarLOS. My old release seems to be quite popular and with what I plan to call CarLOS cadillac i'll be unveiling a redesigned front end with more features and a working GPS application that I have been developing for quite some time.

There's lots to be done before this latest release will be available but I'm ready to take on the challenge. So start checking back here regularly people! The new carLOS will be here soon!

Posted by Trevor 2010-01-02

CarLOS tesla

OK today I delivered one giant upgrade to the CarLOS front end. CarLOS tesla, with an entirely new interface. One thing I noticed about the original interface was that the buttons were far to small to be comfortably used on a touch screen. So in this release everything is bigger with larger easier to read text and an easier to use menu system.

Another addition is the "My Shortcuts" bar on the home screen. This allows you to easily access the apps in CarLOS that you use most. The features in CarLOS are the same it's just the interface has been designed far more intelligently this time making it much easier to use in a car. ... read more

Posted by Trevor 2008-08-24

CarLOS Clarity

thats the name of the 1.0 release! When I finally leave the Beta it will be known as CarLOS Clarity named after the Honda FCX Clarity the first ever hydrogen car truly revolutionizing the way we drive. Which is what I hope CarLOS will do making the name suit this release perfectly.

And by the time CarLOS Clarity is ready for use, I will have CarLOS desktop in a state where it is completely and totally bug free! SO that you will not only have a great CarPC but a great way of getting your files and settings to it as well!

Posted by Trevor 2008-06-17

CarLOS 0.9 The Audi Release

OK my latest and greatest attempt at CarPC front end perfection is now available for download! CarLOS 0.9 Improves the trip file importer so that it can automatically locate a trip file and copy it to the machine with absolutely no user input required. Which is a good thing! seeing you'll probably be driving when using this software.

Among the many improvements there are plenty of bugs I know about that will all be worked out by the time CarLOS leaves the beta stage and is completely and totally ready to take on whatever task you may have for it in the car!

Posted by Trevor 2008-06-17

Official Website Up!

The CarLOS website is up! Sadly I havent the faintest idea how to host a website via Source Forge so to those who are curious heres the URL

Posted by Trevor 2008-05-30

CarLOS 0.7 The Mustang Release

Well here I am on Source Forge! With the 0.7 release of my software. Lets hope people download it! Because It's pretty cool!

Posted by Trevor 2008-05-30