
Capsule 1.1.0 Released (12-Jan-07)

The Capsule Library is a portable C++ template library used to encapsulate C++ objects. This allows objects to be passed as pointers or copied without allowing access along the way. Access to the encapsulated objects is restricted to objects derived for that specific purpose, forcing modular (instead of procedural) use of those objects.

The major addition to the Capsule Library for 1.1 is the addition of a new capsule class. This class allows the using program to derive a new class from a capsule itself so that the object can be fully accessed at the point of creation, but can still be passed to another process as encapsulated data. The programmer's class is derived from this capsule class at the point they implement an abstract interface, making the overall interface type of the capsule the abstract class. This allows the programmer to create various self-containing classes using the same interface, which will all be accessible at the point of creation and can be passed as encapsulated objects to other processes.

In addition to the new class, I've made a few fixes and replaced the old examples with something more relevant. I've also merged the previous versions so that there is now a single version for all operating systems.

Although fairly inactive for over a year, I'm very optimistic with these new changes. I think the addition of the new class was greatly needed and greatly improves the versatility of this library. As always, thank you for taking an interest in my work!
Kevin P. Barry

Posted by 2007-01-12

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