
Capster the Multiplatform Napster Client / News: Recent posts

remember when napster existed|notsucked|worked?

capster is obviously not in development anymore. kazaa is far better than capster could've ever been. <insert laughter>. enjoy capster for being pretty, because that's all it'll ever be.

Posted by Keith Lea 2002-04-15

in case you're wondering where capster is

currently, capster is in a very bad state. it's in that state because I was still learning how namespaces (and various important algorithms) work as I was writing this from September 1999 to about April 2000. the client is ugly, and while it DOES function (I use it every day), it's got some bugs.

therefore, I'm rewriting it. tThe unfortunate part is that I have very little time until the middle of July (2000, in case I never update this again :). even then, I'm not sure how much time I'll have to work on this.... read more

Posted by Keith Lea 2000-06-22