
CapraDoc / News: Recent posts

version 0.2 available.

Finally the 0.2 version is ready to use.
It works with jdk1.3.0 or upper.
Next days i proceed to update the website.

Im using it at my work in very large projects and seems to work without problems.

Posted by Carlos Vicente 2001-11-30

next version

Hi. Im developing the next versin with these new features.<br>
Can show the class beans used in a JSP.
Must document ASP, and shows the objects used.
must make a separated page foreach directory and create an index frame with the directorys.

Posted by Carlos Vicente 2001-09-13

version 0.11

New version available.
This version comes packe in an autoexecutable jar file and a little GUI
added support for comments in html (use <!--# #--> for comment your htmls

Posted by Carlos Vicente 2001-05-26

First release submitted

You can see the firsts steeps of this project.
this release is a first very simple pre-alfa but you can see the way of this project

Posted by Carlos Vicente 2001-05-09


Capradoc is started. We hope have quickly results

Posted by Carlos Vicente 2001-04-25