
version 0.9.2 evailable

version 0.9.2 has been published.
correction related to the use of grib filescoming from zygrib
capability to read BSB (KAP) maps produced without the polynoms used to transform from (x,y) to (Lon, Lat). capcode creates now automatically a polynom based on the reference points. The polynom is of the form
F(x,y) = a0 + a1*x + a2*y + a3*x^2 + a4*x*y + a5*y^2... up to the order 4.
The number of coefficients is depending on the number of reference points of course.
For example, with 4 references points (majority of the "exotic" BSB charts), the polynom is just a bilinear one.

Posted by cyrille rosay 2009-07-04

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