Activity for Cantor Systems

  • Freeman committed [r876]

    Set image options and OS version when no destination file given to Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r875]

    Set any OS version with Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r874]

    Updated strip-Pet script, Pet 0.6 beta released

  • Freeman committed [r873]

    Updated strip-Pet script in trunk

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r872]

    Updated build script

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r871]

    Merged changes from trunk for Pet 0.6 beta

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r870]

    Copyright © 2020 in Pet resources

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r869]

    Copyright © 2020

  • Freeman committed [r868]

    Rebase to any address in Pet

  • Cantor Systems Cantor Systems updated /Pet/

  • Cantor Systems Cantor Systems updated /Pet/

  • Cantor Systems Cantor Systems updated /Pet/

  • Cantor Systems Cantor Systems updated /Pet/PETool-0.6-src.7z

  • Cantor Systems Cantor Systems released /Pet/PETool-0.6-beta.7z

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r867]

    Calculate max number length when displaying section offsets in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r866]

    Clean offsets of stripped certificate in TExeImage.Build

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r865]

    Display raw/virtual offsets when displaying sections in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r864]

    Display subsystem name with required OS version in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r863]

    Skip additional blank line when listing first file sections (bugfix)

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r862]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r861]

    Properly commented generics and specializations in CoreLite, sample projects and Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r860]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r859]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r858]

    Actualizing rename System → Tricks in sample projects and Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r857]

    Forgotten Delphi keyword “interface”, Free Pascal keywords “generic” and “specialize”, added to SyntaxHighlighter

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r856]

    Don't expand native images in TExeImage.Build

  • Freeman committed [r855]

    Cantor helper class syntax example

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r854]

    Feature to strip .NET assemblies with Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r853]

    Reviewed lower case/upper case semantics when formatting hexadecimals

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r852]

    CoreUtils.MoveBytesZeroExpand → MoveBytesExpand: more common, with default 0

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r851]

    Fixed a typo in a FastCode comment

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r850]

    Stop unsafe stripping (rollback of #837), but list sections though

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r849]

    Show seciton alignment via “-ls” option in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r848]

    Use default log output style with “-ls” option, with rethinked UI in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r847]

    Show image options only when exist

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r846]

    Image base parameter allowed in decimal and hexadecimal forms, displaying image base with image options in Pet

  • Freeman committed [r845]

    Pet help message “display section list” → “display section list and image options”

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r844]

    Pet log styles renamed to brief/detail

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r843]

    Show image options along with redesigned action log output in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r842]

    {$IFDEF Locale} for locale-dependent translations for console output in CoreLite and Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r841]

    “Combining signed/unsigned integers” warning fix in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r840]

    Listing stub and header sizes along with section list in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r839]

    Improved UI, considers destination file size when calculating size benefit in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r838]

    DEP option removed from Pet build script because DEP-aware build available for any version of Delphi since revision 783

  • Freeman committed [r837]

    Allow chained data for read-only mode in Pet; little code clean

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r836]

    Display proper image file name when EBadImage exception handling in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r835]

    Building Pet without ASLR in trunk

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r834]

    Brand new write-back file saving in CoreWrappers and sample project

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r833]

    Set UTF-16 code page as actual in Pet resources

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r832]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r831]

    Displaying estimated file size with “Estimated” in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r830]

    Displaying estimated file size when no destination given to Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r829]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r828]

    $URL$ svn:keyword set for core compiler unit

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r827]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r826]

    Exception handling using Application.ShowException in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r825]

    Exception handling using Application.ShowException in sample projects

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r824]

    TConsoleApplication.ShowException declaration unified with CoreExceptions.ShowException procedure declaration

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r823]

    TConsoleApplication.ShowException method added

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r822]

    Unused LiteConv code commented, help message updated, -nologo option not yet undocumented

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r821]

    LiteConv -ren bugfix, help message improve

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r820]

    Encoding surrogates bugfix in TWideString.AssignString, little more optimizations

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r819]

    CoreConsts.sDependsOnLocale message tune

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r818]

    BSD License text little tune

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r817]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r816]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r815]

    Initial CoreCompiler unit added

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r814]

    Removed strange CoreClasses.SystemCalendar definiton

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r813]

    TCodePage.LocaleDependent property added

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r812]

    Halva Pascal core unit improved, renamed to Halva.pas

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r811]

    Halva Pascal run script added

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r810]

    Unicode-aware Delphi warning fix for CoreUtils.WideLF

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r809]

    CoreUtils.CRLF only when {$IFNDEF Tricks}

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r808]

    “Don't display PET logo and copyrights” → “Don't display logo and copyright”

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r807]

    “Unicode characters corruption” → “Unicode character corruption”

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r806]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r805]

    Console line break consistency for Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r804]

    Console line break consistency for CoreLite and sample projects, initial i18n-related changes

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r803]

    PE Tool © 2018 due to first rebuild this year, with consistent line breaks in console output

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r802]

    CoreWrappers © 2018

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r801]

    Console line break style changed to Windows-compatible, for consistent output when console redirection set from a shell script

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r800]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r799]

    Core integer types declaration for 64-bit, code styling

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r798]

    Fine-tuned core integer types declaration for 64-bit aware compilers

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r797]

    Date, time, calendar and epoch support classes moved to CoreClasses

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r796]

    Because of commits in 2018, license copyright updated

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r795]

    Halva Pascal core unit added

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r794]

    UnicodeConsole.bat script removed

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r793]

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r792]

    new.Merge branched

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r791]

    new.Formatter branched

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r790]

    Proper exception message name from previous commit (unsaved undo in Delphi IDE)

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r789]

    Raise exception when no relocations for rebase in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r788]

    Displaying destination file name with fine-tuned section list option in Pet

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r787]

    Fine-tuned rebase in overloaded TExeImage.Rebase methods

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r786]

    Tuning Pet section list output for single and multiple files

  • Freeman committed [r785]

    Display only totals with section list by default, tuning Pet output for single and multiple files

  • Vapaamies Vapaamies committed [r784]

    Pet “-ls” feature now works after stripping

  • Freeman committed [r783]

    Building Pet with DEP by any version of Delphi, part 2

  • Freeman committed [r782]

    Building Pet with DEP by any version of Delphi

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