

Calandreta Mureth

Welcome to the Canteen Calandreta wiki

As you can see in the "download" section of SourceForge, documents about the conception and the exploitation (how to configure Canteen Calandreta) are only in french. Moreover, these documents are quite big and very long to read. So a big part of this wiki is for a short translation of the documentation and to help users to configure and use Canteen calandreta for their own usage.

Note the langagues available for Canteen Calandreta are :

  • English,
  • French,
  • Occitan.

French section

Cette section contient des informations sur Canteen Calandreta, en Français. Il s'agit d'un résumé, en quelque sorte, des 2 documents diffusés jusqu'à présent.

English section

This section is a compilation of different information about Canteen Calandreta, in english.

Project Members: