
CamelotSharp / News: Recent posts

No update, need users input

Hi my dear friends!

As you propably saw, there was no update. I should include the coad libraries next week.

I'll change the vision application to DirectX, because for 2D it's really taking too much processing power with GDI+. So until microsoft fix that (seems we'll have to wait for Longhorn for that), DirectX is the way to go for 2D.

Now for the 3D version, i need your input, you, the users. Would you prefer to see a directx or an opengl version? Obviously, a directx version should proove to be faster, mainly because you can't really use advanced things with the CsGL library i use to make opengl fully use T&L... But that means too it'll be impossible to port the application to Linux using mono. If the CsGL project is ported to linux that is...... read more

Posted by CamelotSharp Editor 2002-12-30

Friday, it's news time :-)

Hi everybody!

As you saw, there's now a binary package. However, it's not in synch with CVS. Behind that is a good reason.

I've been an official COAD coder for a few days now. For those of you who don't know what COAD is, it's a dark age server emulator. I took the lead to convert the whole project to c#, and as such, will reuse some of my code already in the camelotsharp cvs.

Beginning this week end, i won't update the daoc protocol reader from CVS. That's because I'm writting a new library which will be included in COAD, handling much more information. BUT COAD is closed source so i'm closing source code on this library.... read more

Posted by CamelotSharp Editor 2002-12-20

What's up?

Hi everybody (there are less and less of you reading the front page, and no messages in forums...), here is the weekly news on the CamelotSharp progress :

I've put the map generation code on hold, to work on the NIF viewer. I'm happy to say that it's nearly perfect (with mipmapping textures, correct matrix transforms). In the next few days, I'll correct a bug with the rendering of alpha blended polygons in the code, and will add support for rendering each zone map heighfield and dungeons/towns. Eventually I'll add the ortho view to render 2D maps (for CamelotSharpVision).... read more

Posted by CamelotSharp Editor 2002-12-01

Minor updates - Where do we go from now?


I published a few minor updates to the tools provided in the project (like in the PAKViewer to double click on a file, and a minor bug fix preventing the opening of the NPK files).

I'm beginning to put the map generation code back in the tree, but, tadaa, .net doesn't support the PCX file format. So I'm writing a PCX reader, will put it in the CamelotSharp.Imaging format. After that (hopefully today) I'll implement the thumbnail part of the Targa spec, and modify the Targa class to read AND write targa file format, to put the thumbnail in the files, because that will be needed for another sub tool I'll add next week for screen captures management...... read more

Posted by CamelotSharp Editor 2002-11-24

CamelotSharp 0.1 released, CVS fucked :)

Hey everybody!

The first CamelotSharp release (as a pre 0.1 alpha release) is uploaded on CVS. But because i kinda fucked up the first upload and that i can't seem to be able to delete files, I'll re upload tonight in the CamelotSharp0.1 subdirectory.



Posted by CamelotSharp Editor 2002-11-22

CamelotSharp 0.1 on it's way

Hi everybody!

I'm cleaning up the code of the 0.1 release of CamelotSharp. Because it won't be available for some time, here is a list of what it is and what is in it:

CamelotSharp, as you should already know, was in may 2002 an early attempt at porting the excalibar code ( to the win32 platform, using the C# language.

Since then, the code changed a lot, and not much of the early code is still in the code tree. Yet, I aknowledge their work as being fundamental for the existance of CamelotSharp.... read more

Posted by CamelotSharp Editor 2002-11-12