
The EOS library / News: Recent posts

EOS 1.0 for Free Pascal released

A new version of EOS for Free Pascal 2.1.1. was released. It was tested on Linux with svn rev. 6222 of the bleeding edge Free Pascal compiler 2.1.1. No issues are reported. Unit tests with FPCUnit are included (they require the latest version of FPCUnit framework in the Free Pascal SVN).

Posted by Dean Zobec 2007-01-28

EOS on FreeBSD

With the port to Free Pascal we are now able to use EOS on FreeBSD. All the unit tests were passed using the cvs version of Free Pascal 1.9.3 on Linux and FreeBSD.

Posted by Dean Zobec 2004-04-29

EOS ported to Free Pascal

A first port to Free Pascal of the core features of EOS, a small framework written in Object Pascal that enables automatic XML serialization of business objects and it's easy linking to the GUI using the bridge pattern has been released.

To be able to test the code in the Extreme Programming style we also began a port to Free Pascal of the JUnit testing framework originally written in Java by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma. We are trying to adhere as much as possible to the original design, to preserve it's ease of use, so that testing could be done in the same manner as in the famous Java testing environment.
We think that the JUnit framework is worth studying on it's own, so the port of the code to Free Pascal is an unique occasion for us to learn the skills of programming with patterns and Test Driven Development from the code of two of the major experts in the field. ... read more

Posted by Dean Zobec 2003-12-01

A bridge between EOS objects and VCL/CLX controls

A new snapshot of the CVS is now available, including the framework for the link between the EOS Business Objects and the VCL/CLX controls.
Look under EOS/Apps/modelbridge in the CVS for a working example.

Posted by Dean Zobec 2003-03-16

Recent changes in EOS library

New containers library for the xml serialization of lists of business objects
(The old library has been removed).
Added a handler for XML persistence of TStrings.
XML Schema compliant format for TDateTime.

A new CVS snapshot is available for download.

Posted by Dean Zobec 2003-02-01

New Camelos Wiki pages

You can find documentation about the project and the first ideas in the Wiki pages maintained by Uberto
The documentation is in Italian for now, translators needed ! :-)

Posted by Dean Zobec 2002-05-25

QuickRTTI for XML persistence

Mike Johnson's QuickRTTI freeware library was choosen for the automatic saving and loading of business objects from XML. QuickRTTI homepage:

Posted by Dean Zobec 2002-05-25