
Calliope Music Notation Editor / News: Recent posts

Converted to Subversion

We've now migrated the version control repository over to Subversion and disabled CVS access. The main reason for this is due to the intended renaming of files, i.e the main benefits of Subversion. If it's particularly onerous to use SVN instead of CVS, email me and I'll reenable CVS, but I'd prefer everyone comes up to speed on Subversion.

Posted by Leigh Smith 2006-03-04

Upgraded to Xcode 2.2

I've managed to put some time into upgrading the project files to Xcode 2.2 and gcc 4.0. If you are using these tools, use the Application/Calliope.xcodeproj file, otherwise continue to use the Calliope.pbproj file. Work as also commenced on upgrading the application controller DrawApp to no longer override NSApplication. At the moment, Calliope.nib has most of it's connections to objects broken, but they will be replaced soon. Prior to doing much more work, I've initiated conversion to Subversion, which will aid renaming classes etc.

Posted by Leigh Smith 2006-03-01

All source uploaded

Ok, I finally got all the code committed to the repository and did an initial pass over the code to get all source files to compile, although it doesn't yet link. The work remaining to get code linking is to replace the pswraps (draw.psw) with efficiently coded drawing functions using AppKit drawing routines. To get the app fully running, there are several classes that need conversion from older PSops functions to NSBezierPath routines.

Posted by Leigh Smith 2003-09-03

The current state of Calliope

This is interim documentation from an email I tried to send to Nick Bailey (several times).

Calliope is written in Objective C to the OpenStep API specification.
In addition it uses the MusicKit (also written in ObjC) for representing musical information internally and as a means to play output. The OpenStep specification was a platform independent version of the NeXTStep API and has remained basically the same on MacOS X and has an open source implementation GnuStep Getting the code running on one system means the other is supported with trivial or no changes.... read more

Posted by Leigh Smith 2003-08-08