
Califa PHP Profiler / News: Recent posts

Added some paches to 0.9 version

There is a new release of Califa PHP Profiler!

New report format was implemented:
- Now the functios are sorted alphabeticaly
- Report is splited in two sections, "User Functions" and "Internal Functions"


Posted by Alex Martin 2000-12-27

PreRelease Version Available

Hi there,
Now there is ... a stable, bug fixed prereleased version of Califa Profiler.
Now internal functions are tracked too.

-- Alex

Posted by Alex Martin 2000-11-24

Califa PHP parched!

Hi there!
Sorry about debug messages at 0.1 version :(

Now I deleted them and fix some bug at report generation.

Comming soon: Track PHP Clases ...
-- Alex

Posted by Alex Martin 2000-11-22