
calc release

The following are the changes in this release:

Fixed warning about undefined operations involving the qlink(q)
macro by replacing that macro with an inline-function.  Thanks goes
to David Haller <dnh at opensuse dot org> for this fix.

NOTE for Windows 10 users: Pavel Nemec <pane at seznam dot cz>
reported that calc version has been successfully
compiled, installed and running on Windows 10.  See README.WINDOWS
for more details.

Improved gen_v1(h,n) in to use an even faster search method.

Improved are checking in  In particular both h and n must be
integers >= 1.  In the case of both rodseth_xhn(x, h, n) and gen_v1(h, n)
h must be odd.

Fixed an C code indenting issue that was reported by Thomas Walter
<th dot walter42 at gmx dot de> in zfunc.c.

Fixed a man page warning about ./myfile where the leading dot
was mistook for an nroff macro.  Thanks goes to David Haller
<dnh at opensuse dot org> for providing the patch.

Improved gen_v1(h,n) in for cases where h is not a
multiple of 3. Optimized the search for v(1) when h is a
multiple of 3.

Fixed a Makefile problem, reported by Doug Hays <doughays6 at gmail
dot com>, where if a macOS user set BINDIR, LIBDIR, CALC_SHAREDIR
or INCDIR in the top section, their values will be overwritten by
the Darwin specific section.
Posted by (chongo) Landon Curt Noll 2018-01-29

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