

Dee Jay Alexander

THE CALAMITY JANE EXPRESS(R) project (only part of the concept provided). I've designed/written (and still am designing/writing) a new kind of web-based user-interface especially for (small screen) mobiles but it could easily be ported to any screen-size device and it is called a bulleted-user-interface or "bui". At the heart of this "bui" are bullet-shaped JQuery-based list-items that can freely be relocated within and between JQuery-based listviews (here called clips). Those "bullets" should be able to represent anything, either (passive) data(pieces) or (executable) (app)functions. They can freely be grouped, mixed, multiplied and related to one another and can come from anywhere, local or remote. As of this moment only "clips" can be in a (hierarchical) relationship with one another. The content that populates these "bullets" are "flown-in" via AJAX-protocol from an on-board web-server that uses CGI/CLI scripts. In this concept the user can now compose his/her own web-based apps on-the-fly by picking any function on-the-fly and of course also the data-pieces can simply be picked from anywhere and this all by just tap/drag/drop/sweep. And they all can also work on a common canvas to show/manipulate the data (if allowed so by the owner). At least, that is the whole intention of this project and the first open source alpha-version is already publicly available.