
Cake Calendar / News: Recent posts

Cake Cal Beta 0.6

New in this release:
-More ways to have recurring events! Plus some actually work!
-Updated help text and images.
-Mini month will now display in BLUE as opposed to the RED that it was before
-Possibly something else but I can't remember it.

Have fun!

Posted by Robert Middleton 2010-07-13

Cake Calendar Beta 0.5

Fast on the heels of Beta 0.4, Beta version 0.5 has just been released! This is mostly a bugfix release.

Changes in this version:
-Updated help documentation for recurring events
-All examples in help documentation involving CRExL should now work
-Multiple calendars should now have no issues; there were issues when the user cancelled out of adding a new calendar prematurely
-Fixed a bug where after merging two calendars you would not be able to go back to your merged calendar if you had more than one calendar open
-Fixed a bug where if an event was not recurring, it would sometimes attempt to treat it as one
-Fixed a bug where the time was not being displayed correctly in the context pane... read more

Posted by Robert Middleton 2010-03-06

Cake Calendar Beta 0.4

Cake Calendar Beta 0.4 has been released! Also, we now have a video tutorial up on YouTube, check it out here:

New features in this version:
-fixed a few bugs relating to multiple calendars
-Fixed a bug related to calendar settings(was not showing up properly the first time)
-No more drop down menus for selecting the start/end time of an event. Now, you just have to type in the start/end time of the event. You can type in the full time, or use 'AM' or 'PM' to differentiate between times.... read more

Posted by Robert Middleton 2010-03-03

Cake Calendar Beta0.3

Announcing the release of Cake Calendar, Beta Version 0.3! We've fixed a bunch of bugs and we've added several new features. Here's a summary of what has changed:

-New shortcut keys! For example, CTRL+S will now save your calendar
-PDF generation. It's possible to make a basic PDF file of your calendar. It's a rather simplistic overview, but a better version is being thought out now.
-A few bugs in the week view were fixed, where if you were at the end of December and tried to look at events in January of next year it would act weird.
-Fixed a bug where the user could improperly delete events
-Made the text in MonthView smaller; now depends on your screen resolution
-Added the ability to load .ics calendar files.
-Fixed a few bugs with recurring events; I can't remember the specifics.
-Other code cleanups... read more

Posted by Robert Middleton 2009-12-19

Cake Calendar Beta 0.2

Hey all,
Cake Calendar Beta Version 0.2 has just been released. This is mostly a bugfix release, but we've added in a few new features as well. For example, there is now a way to directly send us feedback so that we can get your thoughts and ideas on the future of Cake Calendar. Also, we've included a new 'Program Settings' feature, to allow you to customize the calendar to how you would like it. Currently, it only allows the option to minimize to tray, but we've got a few new features for that planned. Tell us what you think!

Posted by Robert Middleton 2009-08-01

Cake Calendar Update

Time for an update to the Cake Calendar!

I've been working on the newest version, which aims to fix a few shortfalls in the current version. Most noteably, loading times have been much increased from the current release, and are back to about as fast as they were for the first release. This isn't really noticeable unless you have a few hundred events spread out over a few months though, so I highly doubt that any of you will notice a large difference. The other most noteably feature is the ability to e-mail me with bug reports and suggestions, which should help address unforseen consequences. The remaining changes so far are general code-cleanup fixes, nothing too major. I was experimenting with threading earlier, to allow months to load faster when you have a large number of events, but ironically that simply slowed down the process to a crawl. I've also been thinking about new features that could be added, building on a few things that I have encountered at work. The first of these ideas would be to allow users to generate .pdf files of their day/week/month, so that it could then be printed out. Another possibility that I was thinking of would be the ability to connect to an SQL server, so taht users could save their calendars on a server, and be able to add events to other people's calendars(similar to how Microsoft Outlook works). Any thoughts on these ideas?... read more

Posted by Robert Middleton 2009-07-23

Cake Calendar Beta

The first official beta of Cake Calendar has been released! This release contains numerous bug fixes, and some small updates to the documentation. Because this a Beta release, we ask that everybody who finds a bug to please post on our tracker or on our forums. Also, any suggestions that you have are greatly appreciated and will be reviewed for inclusion into the next version of Cake Calendar.

Posted by Robert Middleton 2009-05-04

Cake Calendar

Welcome to the website of the Cake Calendar system! Feel free to browse around and play with the features that we have. Our forums are phpBB forums, under the "hosted apps" section of this website. Guests are allowed to post, so feel free to post any thoughts and suggestions. You can check our our code from the SVN repository under the "code" segment if you want to get involved. We also have our first download up, download the .jar file and play around with it to tell us what you think. This is an executable .jar file, so it will work on any system that has Java 1.6 or later installed.

Posted by Robert Middleton 2009-04-27