
CAG's Simple Content Management System / News: Recent posts

Project Closed

As explained in the blog post located at, development on this project has been officially stopped in favor of focusing efforts on extending Wordpress.

If, for any reason, anyone should want to continue this project on their own, please feel free to do so. Thank you.

Posted by Curtiss Grymala 2010-07-28

CAGCMS Integrated With YaBB

It took me a while to get around to getting back into actively coding CAGCMS, but I have been doing so quite a bit over the last month or so.

This weekend, I made some major breakthroughs in the code. I spent half the day Saturday working on successfully importing YaBB variables (paths, settings, etc.) into the CMS so that I could access the necessary files.

Then, I spent about half the day today working on implementing the YaBB login routine so that you can share users easily between CAGCMS and YaBB. I finally finished up with that tonight, and was able to log in and out successfully through YaBB and CAGCMS, and have the cookies carry over nicely.... read more

Posted by Curtiss Grymala 2007-11-19

CAGCMS First Release

The first release of CAGCMS is now available from the project page. This is strictly a developers' release, targeted toward possibly generating interest from other coders. The template system has not been worked on at all, as of yet, so it is not meant for public consumption. The Installation and Administration are set up completely (until some people use them and suggest changes/bugfixes).

Posted by Curtiss Grymala 2005-08-05