
CADminTools by / News: Recent posts

CADminTools 4.0 released

After some time at a "trial" stage, v4.0 is released with much fanfare ;-)

Some of the new stuff is mentioned below, plus I'm working on updated documentation @

* Set your Application limit (no longer limited to 15 apps)
* View License users by location
* Export User table to spreadsheet or text file
* Add Custom fields to user and server tables
* Update many users via Bulk-Change tool
* New Ilink Intelligence tools: monitor Ilink servers
* More control of Application sort order
* Standards listing
* Streamlined interface

Posted by Edwin Muirhead 2008-05-05

CADminTools 3.3 released

It's finally here... the latest version of CADminTools, with many enhancements, eg:

* CSV export - display license stats in spreadsheet, charts, etc
* Automated Archiving via script (submitted by Peter)
* Clearer graphing: alternate colours (suggested by Mike)
* Tidier Install + License logging setup, hopefully making it clearer for new users

I'll post more on the blog soon @ read more

Posted by Edwin Muirhead 2007-02-06

CADminTools 3.2 Released

Yes, as promised, it's out by month-end... :)
I spent a couple of hours late last night finalising version 3.2 - with all the bells + whistles:

* Improved License Tracker : 4 TIMES FASTER than 3.1!
* Map - see your users + servers by location
* Find + filter - improved user searching
* Matrix - cross-reference design teams by product + location
* Updated task interface... read more

Posted by Edwin Muirhead 2006-06-30

CADminTools 3.1 released

Version 3.1 is now available - including several improvements, eg:

* NEW: License Ticker - popup window showing up-to-the-minute license usage
* Changes to interface - cleaner layout, more information on-screen
* New-style popups in license tracker
* Corrected License Logging setup

You can also see an online demo @


Posted by Edwin Muirhead 2006-03-16

CADminTools 3.0 launched

The latest version is out, with several improvements...

* License Tracker - enhanced performance

* License Tracker - "Log" button to bookmark specific

* License/Location/Server query

* License Tracker - "Check m/c" button to update your dB when users change computer

* All Databases - Simple sort + reverse-sort by clicking any header, and export the list of values by double-clicking ... read more

Posted by Edwin Muirhead 2005-11-14

CADminTools 2.1 released

New for 2.1
* Password/security improved, displaying current access level (new file 'security.asp' for passwords, etc)
* In license tracker, included weeks now stay selected
* Help tips added to license tracker (show in status bar when mouse hovers)
* Percentages now calculated for licenses & users
* Graphs - ability to show unused licenses, maximum hours, customise thresholds
* License tracking - ability to auto-open last week's archive page, building up graphs.

Posted by Edwin Muirhead 2005-05-11

CADminTools 2.0 released

New for 2.0 - Mar 2005

* Upgrade page - to bring your CADminTools 1.* database up-to-date... look @ upgrade.asp - then add applications/server details as required
* Weekly license logs are now stored by date, allowing unlimited archive
* Ability to set case of usernames/mcnames - eg: lower case for users, UPPERCASE for machines. this is controlled in the info.asp settings dB
* User lists now show machine name on mouseover
* All-new license logging configurator (lic_log.htm) - helping you create the scripts to collect license data
* New applications dB (apps.asp), allowing custom CAD license tracking, eg: SolidWorks, Inventor, etc.. up to 9 different codes
* View license usage over many archived weeks... only limited by your processing power! ... read more

Posted by Edwin Muirhead 2005-03-19

New Installer and support for specific license logging

We now have an all-in-one installer package, thanks to Nullsoft ( This contains all the files you need for CADminTools, License Logging, Documentation and the Local Edition (sub-20 users). It makes the install process simpler than all those zip files, etc.. that we used previously.

Also - The License Logging section now supports targeted logging, ie: track license usage by feature name (eg: PROE_Flex3C, etc) - so you can get a more accurate picture... ... read more

Posted by Edwin Muirhead 2005-02-14

CADminTools Launched

Announcing the launch of this new suite of tools to help administrators keep track of their software licenses and users...

The centrepiece is the graphical License Tracker that helps you build up a picture of usage across your company. It's integrated with database tables of users, products, locations, servers, etc.

This was originally developed to track Pro/E 3D CAD usage, but could be used for any package that works with flexLM or startup batch files.... read more

Posted by Edwin Muirhead 2005-01-12