
#96 Multi-DB-support in cachebox


Some remarks to the multi-db-support in cachebox:

1. Error/Bug: Fieldnotes and geocache_visits.txt
At the moment the fieldnotes are writing their notes in a separate vists.txt depending on the actual selected DB.
If I log 2 caches from db1, then afterwards 1 cache from db2 and perhaps after that another cache from db1 and upload the fieldnotes to, some fieldnotes are not displayed in
I think it would be better to use only one shared geocache_visits.txt. The same thing applys to the "fieldnotes.html"

2. Nice to have: Alias for DB
It would be nice and helpfull to be able to assign an alias for each db.
Example: cachebox_1.sdf ---> Alias: Lisboa
cachebox_2.sdf ---> Alias: Setúbal

3. Nice to have: Seperate Images-Folder für each DB
Often we create a new DB, because we travel to another region or country für holidays.
When we're back at home, we transfer the fieldnotes to, the db can almost be deleted afterwards.
But what ist about the images?
The easiest thing would be, to have a possibility to delte the images also.
I have no exact idea, how to implement this. In the past I had a script, that changed the cachebox.config like this:
DB Lisboa:
DatabasePath=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinCachebox\cachebox_lis.sdf
DescriptionImageFolder=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinCachebox\Repository\Images_lis
DB Setúbal:
DatabasePath=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinCachebox\cachebox_stbl.sdf
DescriptionImageFolder=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinCachebox\Repository\Images_stbl
All Images of each db will be imported in its own folder. So you can easily delete the whole folder, if you don't need the db anymore.
Perhaps there is a better way to implement this, than the cachebox.config
