tower27 - 2010-07-31


I just uploaded a new Beta-Version 496 here and on the upload-server. So you can use the internal "Check For Updates"-funktion.

The major changes are:

use a thread to start GPS - this will prevent stalling while starting cachebox
corrected a problem with additional waypoints being incorrectly removed from the long description (if the waypoints had no coordinates, the info wasn't imported to cachebox)
poiler on demand, shows the pictures immediately without CB restart.
disabled the camera driver to search for the highest resolution because this causes crashes on some devices
improved the CellTowerID-Function
improved Export functions (TomTom and GPX)
enable GPS after import again - fixes bug 3033167
fixed Sourceforge Issue 3033841 - Problems with WP-Titles in NotesView
add: Error message when login fails - ID: 3034686
fix crash after gpx import.
improvements and bugfixes in filter setting
introduced new "night mode" for map, compass and radar (menu Map/View)
possibility to add multiple fix points in the radar-view
solved the request ID 3034542: gps fix sound only when there is really a gps fix (not with the celltower locator)
