
#33 Big GPX of one cache fails to import

GPX Import (10)

Geocache "Waar is Robin?", GC224PR has a very big GPX file of almost 2 Mb. Cachebox fails to import it.

(I use Cachebox rev 462 an a Asus A639 PDA with Windows Mobile 6)


  • rstweb

    rstweb - 2010-08-02

    I've tested it and figured out, that the import crashes at function HTMLTools.BBCodeToHTML when executing the command
    html = html.Replace("[b]", "<b> ");

    Propably a problem with the avaiable memory of the thread? Everything till this point works fine.
    A solution could be to use an own function insted of Replace, if the string in which the BBCode should be transformed to HTML is too long?

  • rstweb

    rstweb - 2010-08-02

    I've disabled the rewrite of the Exception-message and so I saw the real error: (copied form debug.txt)

    17:57 System.Exception: System.OutOfMemoryException: OutOfMemoryException
    bei System.PInvoke.EE.FastAllocateString()
    bei System.String.GetStringForStringBuilder()
    bei System.String.GetStringForStringBuilder()
    bei System.Text.StringBuilder.GetNewString()
    bei System.Text.StringBuilder.Append()
    bei System.String.ReplaceOrdinal()
    bei System.String.Replace()
    bei Cachebox.HtmlTools.BBCodeToHtml()
    bei Cachebox.Geocaching.GpxImport.ImportGpx()
    bei Cachebox.FormImportPocketQuery.threadEntryPoint()

    bei Cachebox.Geocaching.GpxImport.ImportGpx()
    bei Cachebox.FormImportPocketQuery.threadEntryPoint()