
Main functionnalities

main_menu2.png (93510 bytes)
module_info2.png (67948 bytes)
module_view2.png (124099 bytes)
project_info2.png (57230 bytes)
project_view2.png (200904 bytes)

The Secret of NIM - Main menu

Details of the main menu page:

  • A: Project list section

    1. Project basic information
    2. Edit/View the project
    3. Delete the project
    4. Printable version of the project
    5. Save the project on the disc (in a .ZIP file)
    6. Create a new project
    7. Load an existing project
    8. Repair the broken project
  • B: Module list section

    1. Module basic information
    2. Edit/View the module
    3. Delete the module
    4. Save the module on disc (in a .ZIP file)
    5. Create a new module
    6. Load an existing module
    7. Repair all the broken modules
    8. Optimize database
    9. Delete all modules and projects

Project information page

The Secret of NIM - Project information page

Details of the Project description page:

  1. Project name input
  2. Project description input (doesn’t support new line, html… yet)
  3. Save button (CTRL+S doesn’t work yet)
  4. Back to main menu link

As you can see there is nothing complicated here.

Project viewer page

The Secret of NIM - Project viewer page

The project viewer page can do much different stuff. In this section the main ones will be explained.

  1. Go to the project information page
  2. Get the dialog box that allows you to add:
    a. a wire (cable)
    b. a rack
    c. a module
  3. A menu that allows to shows
    a. the wires list (cable list)
    b. the parameters list
    c. the legend
    d. all the cables (it connect the plugged plugs together)
  4. Hide all the wires actually shown
  5. Get a print friendly page of the project
  6. Save the project in a .ZIP file (the project is always saved on the database)
  7. A close button, close the given dialog box (you can also move them if you move the bar on the top of the dialog box)
  8. Back to the main menu link

There are also plenty of active zones on this page:

A. Get the dialog box used to set a parameter
B. (Inactive) Unplugged input plug
C. (Inactive) Unplugged output plug
D. Plugged input, get the associated wire info dialog box
E. Plugged output, get the associated wire info dialog box
F. Get the rack info/edit/delete dialog box
G. Get the module move/delete dialog box

Module information page

The Secret of NIM - Module information page

The module information page is a simple page, here are its possibilities:

  1. Module name
  2. Module description (doesn’t support new line and html yet)
  3. Module background image (the image that will be shown in the background, you might upload it from your computer. The image will not be resized, then make sure its size is 66x440px, except if you know what you are doing.)
  4. Save button (can create the module, if it doesn’t exist).
  5. Go back to the main menu link.

Module viewer page

The Secret of NIM - Module viewer page

The module viewer page has many functionalities, here there are:

  1. Go to the Module information page
  2. A menu that can show the dialog box that add a plug (Plug) or a parameter (Parameter)
  3. A menu which show the legend, the parameters list or the plugs list (those are three different dialog boxes)
  4. A save button (which save the module in .ZIP file format on your disc)
  5. Go back to the Main Menu link

There are also some active zones on the page:

A. The parameters (allows you to edit or delete the parameter)
B. The input plugs (allows you to edit or delete the plug)
C. The output plugs (allows you to edit or delete the plug)


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