
How to install the Secret of NIM


System Requirement

  1. Server side :
    • Apache 2.2 (2.2.22 used for developpement)
    • PHP 5.3 (5.3.10 used for developpement)
    • MySQL 5.5 (5.5.34 used for developpement)
  2. Client side :
    • Firefox 26
    • Google Chrome 31
    • Internet Explorer 10
      Other browser may work but hasn't been tested yet.


  1. Unzip the folder and paste it on the server.
  2. Make sure that folders and file can be created/edited and deleted by PHP (chmod 0777).

The Secret of NIM : Chmod part 1

The Secret of NIM : Chmod part 2

  1. Open a web browser and load the page "./index.php" or "install/index.php".

The Secret of NIM : Install page

  1. Enter the following MySQL informations :
    • Host name : the adress of the MySQL server (usualy "localhost",
      but it may vary).
    • Username : the username used to connect to MySQL
    • Password : the passowrd...
    • Database name : The name of the database where the Secret of NIM
      will be stored.
    • Table Prefix : a prefix added to the name of your tables in the database. Be sure that it's not used by another program.
      If you are on an external web hosting service, they might have given to you the Hostname-Username-Password-Database name.
  2. Click on "Initialize database"
  3. The Secret of NIM is now ready to use. If not, there might be a problem with the operation 2 or 4.


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