Activity for c55xx_csl

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [9d1aa2]

    +ATA:ATA_truncate - implements truncating at current file position

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [b21d00]

    !ata: clear code

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [e418b3]

    *opt:ata:speed: atawrite_write buffer copy cycle optimise

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [66a300]

    +cslr:CSL_RFEXT, CSL_RFINST - register fields ext/seters

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [94e810]

    import CSL3.004.002

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [438279]

    *SD:MMC_selectCard - deploy MMC_WaitInitedCmd sub reduces code size

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [69cd63]

    *ata:no_swap option made totaly removable and wraped by macros ATA_Sure_Swap(x)

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [446ba8]

    *opt:ATAif - deploy MMC_phyAdress hides difference sd-HC cards

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [73f80c]

    *i2c:i2cHandle - exposed to allow i2c functs extending

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [8ae96c]

    !dma:DMA_config - fixed correct define used chanels of DMA

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [bf7ead]

    *ATA:write:cache - faster write to file tail by ommit save data after EOF

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [851506]

    *opt:mmcsd - massive code optimise - prefetching dmaRegs gives much code effort when not used optimisations (debug), (and even when used!)

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [d5c75a]

    +SD:CmdBusyWaitCallback - this handle now used when wait STOP complete on MMC\SD.

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [05b5c3]

    +SD:EndianSwap ctrl - read\write have flag ommitis possible swap (for LE mode) of databuffer.

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [288917]

    +opt:mmcsd:MMC_MODEUSED_XXX - uses opmodes selection (to reduce code size)

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [e3089a]

    *opt:ATA:_AtaWriteFatEntry, _AtaFindNextBrokenCluster, ATA_write - optimised code

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [3523ea]

    *opt:mem:ATA:fat - _AtaReadFatEntry2, _AtaFatEntryNext desired to optimise a bit _AtaFindNextXXXCluster, atawrite_fat

  • AlexRayne AlexRayne committed [153eca] edited online with Bitbucket

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [78ad7e]

    +ATA:cache:rd - implements light rd buffer - direct to cache, that not need to copy data

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [97793d]

    !cslr: too big shift warn release

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [16f492]

    *sd:ataif:cache - new strategy cacheing

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [a81e72]

    +ATA:MMC_flushCache - implements wrcache flush in ATAif

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [91adbc]

    +ATA:_AtaPreparePhySectorWrite, _AtaLoadSectorWrite - prepares _AtaWriteBuffer from sector

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [b612af]

    !SD:CmdBusyWaitCallback - removes debug links, remover useless vars

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [12b53b]

    *opt:I2C - massive I2C code optimise - prefetching i2cRegs gives much code effort when not used optimisations (debug)

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [648b0e]

    *ATAif: MMC_readNextNWords - cycle removes MMC_readNextWord for faster code

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [f0c1b0]

    *ata:create:wipe - optimise wiping cluster cycle

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [ddac39]

    !seneral:C55x5 enable - now CHIP_C5517 defines exactly if C5517 defined

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [c7b079]

    *opt:mmcsd:mem - optimise words swap of endians correction

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [3d3371]

    *opt:dma:mem DMA_config - deployed common CPU->DMA adress convention. acceptable DMA resources can be droped by macro csl-port.h:DMA_NO_CHx, MEM_NO_x

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [a1f295]

    *opt:ATA:mem - massive code optimisations on create, fat_calc/read/write

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [5f2a36]

    *opt:ATAif remove routines dublicates

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [9e7f3b]

    *opt:ATA:mem - atawrite_write, close, create

  • AlexRayne AlexRayne committed [5f5b15] edited online with Bitbucket

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [bae401]

    +ATA:mem:_AtaPrepareDirEntryWrite - deploy this method to optimise code size

  • a_lityagin@TCT committed [c509e8]

    *ATA:speed:write sector - optmised ATA_write write of whole sector buffer - released useless copy