
c3ms - Comic Creation CMS / News: Recent posts

First real pre-alpha release!

Oki, a prealpha reease is still far from a working product, so this is just for interested parties that want to look into what's happening and evalute the progress of the project. Mostly its a realease with documents (in the /docs dir of the full preaplha release and in the prealpha docs release), but it also features a preliminary suggestion of directory layout, and a website design preview in the index.html file of the root. Please give feedback such as reviews of the docs, the website design preview or much anything sbout thiss project. if you want to contribute ideas to be implemented or have a say, now's the best opportunity to be heard :-)... read more

Posted by Henrik Vĺglin 2004-11-28

Vision document

In the files section you'll find a file to download called c3ms-docs-alpha as both tgz and zip archive. These contain the currently working drafts of the pre-development documentation, mainly featuring a vision document at the moment. This should be interesting to you if you consider the project and/or the position as consultant/mentor on UML.
If you read it, I be more than happy to get your feedback. ... read more

Posted by Henrik Vĺglin 2004-11-14

Looking for help

I'm currently looking to fill some positionswith c3ms - Comic Creation CMS.
PHP5 developer
UML experienced to help a newbie

Posted by Henrik Vĺglin 2004-11-14