
c-y-a project manager / News: Recent posts

Switching to OO PHP

We have been developing using the Extreme Programming model for some time now (in Java). We have been very encouraged by the results of this development methodology and have decided to try to apply Extreme Programming to this project.

What that means is that we will continue to provide bug fixes for this current release and perhaps some minor upgrades, so you will probably see a 1.0 version at some point, probably before the end of the year, but the bulk of the work will be on 2.0, which will be re-written from the ground up using OO PHP and will utilize a test-driven model to facilitate development.

Posted by Stephen Yeoh 2003-09-18

Mailing lists have been added

Please subscribe to our mailing lists to be kept informed of the subject area of interest to you.

We expect the announcement list to be very low volume and should be enough to keep you informed of what is going on with the project.


Posted by Stephen Yeoh 2003-09-18

0.9.18 install patch released

A small tarball has been released with an updated install script.

Extract the contents into the install directory and follow the normal install directions.

Posted by Stephen Yeoh 2003-09-12

0.9.18 Install script broken

Well we goofed big time. The install script is broken. So much for trying to help you get this installed.

If you move the user account creation piece out until after the databases, that works. The syntax also doesn't work everywhere, so we'll be revising the install script shortly.

Posted by Stephen Yeoh 2003-09-11

Interested in joining our project?

We have been receiving some interest from other developers on joining our project.

Due to the way the current project is structured, there willl be a fairly extensive learning requirement. We have decided to re-write and re-organize the core code to take advantage of the OOP functionality provided by PHP to make it easier for other developers to join in.

Obviously, this will take a little time, but we feel it will be worth it. What we have decided to do is to support the current releases, which will at some point be up to version 1.x and the re-written version will be version 2.x.... read more

Posted by Stephen Yeoh 2003-08-30

Planned release schedule

This is planned to be an active project. We are planning on doing routine releases at least once a month if not more often.

Please check back often for a new version.

Posted by Stephen Yeoh 2003-08-28

It's coming...

Look for our first posting of our project. We expect the first version available for download This week (8/25/03).

Posted by Stephen Yeoh 2003-08-27