
The Bzip2GUI / News: Recent posts

SVN has been set up

SVN has been set up and includes the Polish and English versions of the bzip2gui. These maybe found under trunk.

Posted by mwax 2006-06-19

Yes we are still here

We know we haven't posted anything here in some time. Things have been busy. With the coming holiday weekend, we hope to finally get SVN set as well as the help file. Stayed tuned and leave us feedback.

Posted by mwax 2006-05-25

Help file to come as well as SVN

ablecode is currently working on the help file in English. As soon as it is complete, it'll be translated to Polish. If anyone would like to see the GUI in their native language, work out the translation, and we'll post it. We plan to start using Subversion to manage the source code. We'll get that set up as soon as possible.

Posted by mwax 2006-03-31

We need feedback

Several people have downloaded The Bzip2GUI. We would like some feedback to see what you guys like, don't like, and want added. If anyone would like to translate the program into their native language, we would greatly appreciate it. Feel free to drop us an email at ablecode at

Posted by mwax 2006-03-31

Polish Version

The Polish version has been uploaded to SourceForge.

Posted by mwax 2006-03-23

Polish Translation of The Bzip2GUI

The Bzip2GUI has be translated into Polish by Tomasz Peczek. As soon as I have a free moment, I will post it.

Posted by mwax 2006-03-21

The Bzip2GUI 1.0 Released

We have released The Bzip2GUI 1.0. The program should be great for most users. A couple of things are still lacking though. It has not be integrated with the right click menu, and there is no help. Please give it a try and give us your feedback.

Posted by mwax 2006-03-18

The Bzip2GUI planning has begun

As a Linux user, I frequently run across files compressed in the bzip format. Opening these under Linux is trivial. However, opening bzip files under Windows can prove difficult. A number of Windows users I know use WinZip to uncompress files. WinZip is fine for files in gzip, zip, or tar format, but it does not open bzip files. There are command line utilities to open bzip files, but I have found most Windows users stay away from the command line. The goal of this project is to develop a GUI interface to the bzip program available at I know there are other free compression programs that provide bzip support, but a user is more likely to use an add on program than to install another large program that provides overlapping functionally.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-11-06