
Future Direction

It has been over two years since I started ByteHoard, and close to three years since I started web programming.

I originally wrote ByteHoard in PHP, because it was easy to learn, had lots of functionality and was installed on nearly every server. Two years later, with the advantage of hindsight, that was probably a good idea, but now, in the changing environment, I have a dilemma.

I would like to move ByteHoard to running on Python and the CherryPy web framework, which will be easier for me to maintain and hopefully be more stable, less bloated and a lot nicer to extend and use.

The problem is that I don't want to isolate too many users. CherryPy won't run on every webserver, and requires writing mod_rewrite rules or editing webserver configuration files. Then again, there's better control over incoming and outgoing data - while PHP has to hide behind Apache, and so can't do things like upload progress bars or get rid of the file upload limits, while a separate solution would allow most of these things.

I think ByteHoard's outgrown PHP, but this is where I need your feedback. What do you think? What sort of server do you have? Do you have root or administrator access? If you run Linux, BSD or other *nix servers, what distribution or version of Python do you have?

Would you switch?

I'd love to hear your feedback, even if it's only short. I need some idea of what you all want; here's your chance to have a say!

You can give feedback, ask questions and do whatever else on the forums thread:

Posted by Andrew Godwin 2005-10-13

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