
#3 tivo not connecting with byRequest server


The code compiles and executes fine on my FC3 desktop
and my RH9 laptop.

My Tivo, however, cannot connect to byRequest, even if
I enter the IP address manually. My Tivo just says
there are no servers at that address and do I want to
remove the address from my list.

Here's some notes on my network:

Linux firewall/router/Internet gateway. Its internal IP
address is

Linksys WRT54G wireless router/switch. Its LAN IP
address is and its wireless IP address is SSID broadcast has been enabled and WEP
has been disabled.

Tivo connects using Linksys WUSB11 2.6 using IP address The Tivo gets its daily updates and
online scheduling via this connection so I think it is
set up correctly.

Desktop has eth0 ( going towards the
firewall and eth1 ( plugged into one of
the ports on the wireless router.

Laptop has eth0 (not connected), wlan0 (not connected)
and wlan1 (using a Linksys WUSB11 2.6 using I can access the Internet via wlan1, so
I think it is configured correctly.

On both hosts, tcpdump confirms packets are travelling
over the expected interface.
15:43:57.948729 IP > broadcast.2190:
UDP, length 131
15:44:38.079298 IP > broadcast.2190:
UDP, length 114

I can ping and nmap the Tivo from laptop and probably
from the desktop as well.

Here is my laptop's "conf" file with comments removed:

logfile: /home/sedwards/byRequest/byRequest.log
network: wlan1
audio: "Music" /music
byArtist: "Music" /music
byGenre: "Music" /music
image: "Weather Radar" /photos
mpeg: mp3
jpeg: jpg jpeg gif png
stream: wma asx asf ra rm ogg
playlist: pls m3u ram
script: sh pl
internet: http mms rtsp
cache: 32
vsound: /usr/lib/vsound/
splay: /scratch/src/HelixDNA_DeveloperRelease_4_Lin/splay

/music and /photos are probably empty. vsound and splay
probably do not exist -- I don't have either host in
front of me right now.

Attached, is my laptop's log file.

Any clues will be greatly appreciated,

Steve Edwards


  • Nobody/Anonymous

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    If you have the "Tivo2Go" upgrade, ByRequest no longer works
    (I just found this out this morning after my Tivo got the
    upgrade). It would appear Tivo has changed some things in
    the protocol, which is really annoying as I personally do
    not have the time right now to investigate / write code to
    fix it. At the moment I'm having to resort to running the
    standard Tivo Desktop on a Windoze machine.

    - Brian Roach

  • Scott Heavner

    Scott Heavner - 2005-01-28

    Logged In: YES

    The xml in your log is not well formed -- not sure if that's
    a problem on older tivos, but it will be on the 7.1 ToGo
    tivos. You may need to upgrade to the CVS version of byRequest.

    I just submitted a patch for the CVS version that addresses
    other problems with the 7.1 release -

    If I open one of the xml snippits with firefox it complains.

    XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
    Line Number 19, Column 55:

    I think it's expecting that & to be an entity, like &amp; or
    &gt; but it doesn't end in a ; You have &Container


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