
Bypass / News: Recent posts

New version in the works

Development on the bypass binaries will soon resume, and my personal aim is to keep the server half of the program in C/C++ under Linux, while the client will be ported to Java, so it may be used from Windows systems as well. More information on the features included in this version (currently to be 1.2) will come as soon as I have had a talk with the other developers on the project. Feedback and feature requests are welcome to, but we are not looking for more developers at the moment.

Posted by Krister Emren 2002-04-22

0.98 out

OK, I've cleaned up the server a bit, and (hopefully) added client functionality - please prove me wrong :) Also, I think I've managed to make a ChangeLog this time :)
Now, I'll sit back and wait for your bug reports - and try to make my team-mates spit out some docs for you ....

Posted by Krister Emren 2000-09-08

v 0.97 available

[Don't believe the comments in the source code - it's v 0.97, not 0.82 :) ]
The client doesn't work yet, but the server does ('bypass -s'). By default, it runs on port 2048, detatches (returns immediately) and does not "share" with web server. Please test telnet/ssh in default mode, and also see if you can get web-cloning to work ('bypass -s -w') - I can't. Oh, you'll have to login as "mupp"/"fotsvett" - a users file will come in 0.98

Posted by Krister Emren 2000-08-30

Bypass starts up on SF

The Bypass team has started to move development to SourceForge. The transition will be complete within a week or two. Until then, keep checking in on for information and file releases.
If anybody is interested in helping with the project in any way, drop a mail to zaleth or jazdc.

Posted by Jon Larsson 2000-08-30