
#72 To create new reaction is not working

ByoDynWeb (51)

In model visual edition in reactions section, the create new reaction form is not saving the results.


  • AlexGomez

    AlexGomez - 2009-03-11
    • milestone: --> 898285
  • Adrián López García de Lomana

    • milestone: 898285 --> ByoDynWeb_1.2
  • Miguel Hernandez

    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Miguel Hernandez

    This has been solved in the development env.

  • Miguel Hernandez

    It is solved now. When editing the sbml it created a new XML with
    <? xml version="1.0" ?>
    instead of
    <? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    Additionally I found a bug with local parameters which is solved now. The testing case with model 50 is sucessful, you add a new reaction and the runner will mark the mistake that all parameters in model 50 are local, so a global parameter can be created for this new reaction.

  • Adrián López García de Lomana

    When I save a new reaction in the biomodel 50, if I run a simulation, I get an error. The reason is because the parameter values of the new reaction are not defined.


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