
Build Your Linux Disk / News: Recent posts

BYLD-1.0.3 released

Now BYLD uses BusyBox-0.47 and from Debian bootdisk.
At present development versions in CVS repository don't have, but I'll upgrade them soon.

Posted by Erich Roncarolo 2000-11-26

First CDROM release (1.1beta1) is out

I just put on-line byld-1_1beta1.tgz for download.
Now BYLD has first support to create CDROM.
Tom Flynn made a very good work creating package/CD/, WriteCD script and BYLD-CD-HOWTO.
Let know to us how it works.

Posted by Erich Roncarolo 2000-09-17

BYLD-1.0.1 is in CVS repository

If you want you can download last stable version from CVS repository:

cvs login

cvs -z3 co byld-1.0

A tgz will be on-line when I'll received some feedback about bug fixing.

Posted by Erich Roncarolo 2000-09-10

Stable release is on-line

First stable release is on-line!
Now minor debugging proccess starts because I'm sure that there is something I've forgotten ;-)
Thanks to everyone submit patches and bugs.

Posted by Erich Roncarolo 2000-09-04

Stable version is on way

Release 1.0beta3 is somewhat stable but not crystal-clean. We have some confidence in it, but it is probably buggy.
We'll clean it and byld 1.0 (first stable release!) will come up.
Please, submit bugs as soon as possible, so first stable release will be more stable ;-))

Posted by Erich Roncarolo 2000-08-22