
Bygfoot Football Manager 1.8.0 released

Bygfoot is a small and simple graphical football (a.k.a. soccer) manager game featuring many internat. leagues & cups. You manage a team from one such league: you form the team, buy & sell players, get promoted or relegated and of course try to be successful.

This release is mostly identical to the last release of the development branch 1.7. See the ChangeLog to see a more or less complete list of changes (compared to the last stable release 1.6.3).

Being the first release of a new stable branch, this version is bound to contain a lot of bugs. Please email me or report at the home page forums if you find any.

Contrary to my usual release policy there isn't a simultaneous development release (1.9.0) because I'm currently rewriting the game from scratch using a lot of GLib magic and stuff I've learned while writing 0.5 - 1.8. So 1.9 will take quite some time.

Posted by Gyozo Both 2005-01-31

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