
Bywater BASIC Interpreter / News: Recent posts

bwBASIC 2.40 released

In a sign of how portable C, and BWBASIC, is, it has now been ported to yet another environment - this time CMS (another mainframe operating system). It also includes some bug fixes.

Posted by Paul Edwards 2009-01-30

bwbasic 2.30 released

This version was released in March 2008 as part of another (GCCMVS, MVS/380) project (with author's permission) but has now been moved to its normal home, in preparation for it being ported to yet another environment (VM/CMS).

Posted by Paul Edwards 2008-11-07

Working towards a version 3.0x...

I'm back working on a version 3.x of bwBASIC. This will be a simplification of earlier code for the project.


Posted by Ted A. Campbell 2007-12-08

bwBASIC Moves to SourceForge

After a number of years on my own, I hav moved the Bywater BASIC interpreter (bwBASIC) to SourceForge. Hopefully, this will allow developers more consistent access to bwBASIC source code. The project has not been substantially developed since the mid-1990s.

Posted by Ted A. Campbell 2002-03-23